Collective Hamiltonian for Multi-O(4)Model

来源 :Communications in Theoretical Physics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:water198206
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The collective Hamiltonian up to the fourth order for multi-O(4) model is derived based on the self-consistentcollective-coordinate (SCC) method,which is formulated in the framework of the time-dependent Hartree-Bogoliubov(TDHB) theory.The validity of the collective Hamiltonian is checked in the two special cases of the multi-O(4) model:the case where the number of the shells is equal to one (a single j-shell case),and the case where the Hartree-Bogoliubovequilibrium point is spherical (the spherical case).The collective Hamiltonian constitutes a good starting point to studynuclear shape coexistence. The collective Hamiltonian up to the fourth order for multi-O (4) model is derived based on the self-consistent collective-coordinate (SCC) method, which is formulated in the framework of the time-dependent Hartree-Bogoliubov (TDHB) theory. The validity of the collective Hamiltonian is checked in the two special cases of the multi-O (4) model: the case where the number of the shells is equal to one (a single j-shell case), and the case where the Hartree -Bogoliubovequilibrium point is spherical (the spherical case). The collective Hamiltonian constitutes a good starting point to studynuclear shape coexistence.
Uranium compound proficiency test was organized by Department of Science, Technology & International Cooperation of CNNC (China National Nuclear Corporation) no
引言  跨栏步技术既表现了跨栏跑的项目特点,又是决定跨栏跑技术和成绩优劣的关键环节。多年来,人们在实践中逐步认识跨栏步的运动规律,获取了一定的经验,也发现了运动员在完成跨栏步中摆动腿技术动作存在一些问题。如整个跨栏步中摆动腿运动路线;膝关节折叠及打开时机;下栏着地支撑等问题,即在跨栏步中摆动腿技术不能体现合理性、经济性、实效性。本文试图针对上述问题,依据生物力学原理,借鉴世界优秀跨栏选手有关资料及
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