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Sichuan Embroidery, one of the four famous embroideries in our country, started early in Han Dvnasty, but later formed into a special trade in the years of Daoguang, Qing Dynasty. Founded in Chengdu at the beginning of this century, the ProvinciaI Light Industry Assembly set up an Embroidery Section to make this trade more thriving. Apart from the practical works, more works for appreciation have been produced. Even some famous drawings have been used as the base of the embroidery, having improved their aesthetic value. The superb artistry and vivid needle-methods have made Sichuan embroidery the treasure of the world. What’s more, it’s the embroiderer’s thoughts and feelings that have made it enhancing as it originates from the people. Sichuan Embroidery, one of the four famous embroideries in our country, started early in Han Dvnasty, but later formed into a special trade in the years of Daoguang, Qing Dynasty. Founded in Chengdu at the beginning of this century, the ProvinciaI Light Industry Assembly set up an Embroidery Section to make this trade more thriving. Even some famous drawings have been used as the base of the embroidery, having improved their aesthetic value. The superb artistry and vivid needle-methods have made Sichuan embroidery the treasure of the world. What’s more, it’s the embroiderer’s thoughts and feelings that have made it enhance as it originator from the people.
黄瓜绿银一号(认定) 1.选育单位延边蔬菜花卉研究所。 2.品种来源 1993年以纯雌性系A92—2和完全花株系B92—2杂交获得二性系母本M—2,以M—2为母本,自交系C—4为父本配制的
一前言在仿真试验中,为了模拟自然界的随机扰动信号,以往使用的是所谓“自然”噪音源。使用这种“自然”噪音源有严重缺陷,主要是: 1 噪音信号本身就存在不稳定牲问题。这种
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此文介绍应用数字滤波器来减少由于截取一个有限带宽的模拟信号所产生的量化噪声。由于 A/D 变换器的有限位数(10位),故取样是以适应于现有的 A/D 变换器的方式来量化的。本