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在经济全球化背景下,英语作为国际通用语,越来越受到社会各界的关注,与之相对应的英语教学也引起人们的重视。如何在英语教学中尊重学生的主体地位,激发学生的自主学习兴趣,挖掘学生的英语学习潜力,是当前高校英语教学面临的重要课题。本文首先从学生缺乏自主学习动机、教师未能正确引导、传统学习方法制约等方面,分析了高校英语教育自主学习课程影响因素。又在此基础上指出了高校英语教育自主学习实施策略,即合理编排教材、转变学习模式、克服不良学习习惯、激发学生学习兴趣等,希望促进高校英语教学不断发展,进而为社会培养更加优秀的英语人才。 Under the background of economic globalization, as an international lingua franca, English has drawn more and more attention from all walks of life. Correspondingly, English teaching has also drawn people’s attention. How to respect students’ dominant position in English teaching, to stimulate students’ interest in autonomous learning, and to tap the potential of students’ English learning are the important topics facing college English teaching. This paper first analyzes the factors that affect the self-learning course of college English education from the aspects of lacking motivation of autonomous learning, failure of teachers to guide correctly, and restriction of traditional learning methods. On the basis of this, it points out the strategy of autonomous learning of English majors in colleges and universities, that is, rationally arranging textbooks, changing learning patterns, overcoming bad study habits, stimulating students’ interest in learning, and so on, hoping to promote the continuous development of college English teaching, English language talent.
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目的 研究迟缓爱德华菌 (EdwardsiellatardaEt.)重要毒力因子的溶血素。方法 用鸟枪法将Et- 12株的染色体经Sau3A酶切后 ,连接在质粒pACYC184上。结果 在抗性绵羊红细胞平
[本刊讯] 上海市统计学会于去年11月开展了2001年度统计论文、统计分析、调查报告评比工作,经各单位推荐,共收到文章65篇。在评审小组按照评审标准对文章逐一认真评审和评分
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1999年11 月15日中国外经贸部部长石广生和美国贸易代表巴尔舍夫斯基在北京签署了中美关于中国加入世界贸易组织的双边协议,这标志着中美之间关于中国加入全球最大贸易组织
因社会科学领域中引入量化研究 ,论文中时有统计表格出现。统计表具有直观、简炼的效果 ,且富有比较、综合的功能 ,因而有文字所不及的独特作用。表格制作需遵循规范化要求 ,