
来源 :新高考(政治历史地理) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jay2048
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现在,同学们都进入到了后期复习阶段,这是一个能够提高高考成绩的关键时刻,也是一个容易出现“高原现象”的时期,即工夫没少花,成绩却在“原地”徘徊,结果产生了急躁情绪,降低了学习兴趣。有的同学做了大量的模拟题,结果不仅没有提高解题能力,反而影响了对教材知识的全面复习。究其根源,就是我们没有找到一个“合适”的复习方法,没能有效地利用《考试说明》。《考试说明》是高考历史命题的依据,对我们的复习有着重要的导向作用。在后期的复习过程中,充分利用《考试说明》,不仅能够提高复习的效率和针对性,还可以帮助同学们顺利地渡过复习中的“高原期”。具体做法是: Now, the students have entered the stage of later review. This is a crucial moment that can improve the performance of the college entrance examination. It is also a time when the “plateau phenomenon” is prone to occur. That is, the effort is not spent but the results are “in place” and the results are produced. Impatience, reduced interest in learning. Some students did a lot of simulation questions. The results not only did not improve the problem-solving ability, but affected the comprehensive review of the teaching material knowledge. The root cause is that we did not find a “appropriate” review method and failed to use the “exam description” effectively. The “exam description” is the basis of the historical proposition of the college entrance examination and has an important guiding role in our review. In the later review process, making full use of the “exam description” will not only improve the efficiency and pertinence of the review, but also help the students to successfully pass the “plateau period” during the review. The specific approach is:
在体育教育过程中,学生愿意不愿意学习或学习到何种程度,往往不全是由智力因素来决定的,而是由非智力因素来决定的。非智力因素主要是包括动机、兴趣、情 In the process of
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