Warpage and Shrinkage Optimization of Injection-Molded Plastic Spoon Parts for Biodegradable Polymer

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fangrong87
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In this study, it is attempted to give an insight into the injection processability of three self-prepared polymers from A to Z. This work presents material analysis, injection molding simulation, design of experiments alongside considering all interaction effects of controlling parameters carefully for green biodegradable polymeric systems, including polylactic acid(PLA), polylactic acid-thermoplastic polyurethane(PLA-TPU) and polylactic acid-thermoplastic starch(PLA-TPS). The experiments were carried out using injection molding simulation software Autodesk Moldflow?in order to minimize warpage and volumetric shrinkage for each of the mentioned systems. The analysis was conducted by changing five significant processing parameters, including coolant temperature, packing time, packing pressure, mold temperature and melt temperature. Taguchi’s L27(35) orthogonal array was selected as an efficient method for design of simulations in order to consider the interaction effects of the parameters and reduce spurious simulations. Meanwhile, artificial neural network(ANN) was also used for pattern recognition and optimization through modifying the processing conditions. The Taguchi coupled analysis of variance(ANOVA) and ANN analysis resulted in definition of optimum levels for each factor by two completely different methods. According to the results, melting temperature, coolant temperature and packing time had significant influence on the shrinkage and warpage. The ANN optimal level selection for minimization of shrinkage and/or warpage is in good agreement with ANOVA optimal level selection results. This investigation indicates that PLA-TPU compound exhibits the highest resistance to warpage and shrinkage defects compared to the other studied compounds. This work presents material analysis, injection molding simulation, design of experiments alongside considering all interaction effects of controlling parameters carefully for green biodegradable polymeric systems, including polylactic acid (PLA), polylactic acid-thermoplastic polyurethane (PLA-TPU) and polylactic acid-thermoplastic starch (PLA- TPS). The experiments were carried out using injection molding simulation software Autodesk Moldflow? in order to minimize warpage and volumetric shrinkage for each of the mentioned systems. The analysis was conducted by changing five significant processing parameters, including coolant temperature, packing time, packing pressure, mold temperature and melt temperature. Taguchi’s L27 (35) orthogonal array was selected as an efficient method for design of simulations in order to consider the interaction effects of the paramet Also, artificial neural network (ANN) was also used for pattern recognition and optimization through modifying the processing conditions. The Taguchi coupled analysis of variance (ANOVA) and ANN analysis resulted in definition of optimum levels for each factor by Two optimal different methods. According to the results, melting temperature, coolant temperature and packing time had significant influence on the shrinkage and warpage. The ANN optimal level selection for minimization of shrinkage and / or warpage is in good agreement with ANOVA optimal level selection results This Investigation indicates that PLA-TPU compound exhibits the highest resistance to warpage and shrinkage defects compared to the other studied compounds.
1983年6月17日,宜山县庆远镇集体饮食店第×门市部出售隔夜米粉,发生80人中毒,经流行病学调查和实验室检查,证实是由蜡样芽胞杆菌引起。现报告如下: 一、流行病学调查①该门
“五一”黃金周驾车出游,好一个“爽”字了得!悠悠赤水河,既是一条酿造国酒茅台的美酒河,又是一条红军长征奇兵四渡的红色旅游线……  茅台镇位于山环水绕的低凹河谷之中,浓浓的酒香扑鼻而来,醉人心田。在汇古今建筑艺术精华于一堂的国酒文化城内留连徜徉,那就更是一种难以言传的美的享受了!这座集古今中外酒文化之大成的博物馆,由汉、唐、宋、元、明、清、现代等7个陈列馆组成,它不仅将历代酒文化广博丰富的藏品搜罗殆