The Grand Canal

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  Beijinger’s understanding and pride to the Grand Canal originated from the section between Baifu Spring in Changping District and Shichahai in Xicheng District. The completion of Tonghui River in a historical, creative and scientific manner was deeply imprinted in Beijinger’s hearts rather than in history, and the culture of the Grand Canal has been passionately running in the blood of Beijinger for generations, pulsing with heartbeats. Its grand spectacle for ages has been preserved and contributed by generations of local people.

  Baifuwengshan River
  The name “Baifu Spring” is nothing but a new term for people who know little about the history of the Grand Canal in the Yuan Dynasty. However, for those who know a bit about history, especially the Beijinger, it boasts mystery and familiarity, pride and power. The spring is located on a small hill called “Long Hill”, which is close to the urban area of Changping. During the reign of Kublai Khan of the Yuan Dynasty, Guo Shoujing, a historically-renowned scientist, arrived here with his team members to investigate the spring, which was then tightly connected to the Grand Canal and its history. With a height of only 70 meters (150 meters as someone said), Long Hill is of soil and rock, dwarfed by the family of towering mountains and peaks. Far from being majestic and imposing, it rises straight up lonely. Being given so many different names like Shen Hill (mysterious hill), Longquan Hill, Fenghuang Hill and Baifu Hill, the Baifu Spring closely links the two major projects in Chinese history, namely the Great Wall and the Grand Canal!

  The Great Wall and Baifu Spring are close at hand. People at the two places do not need to look far to see each other and a short drive will cover the distance between. The Great Wall, a masculine figure among high mountains and lofty hills, and Baifu Spring, a gentle, beautiful lady at the source of Tonghui River (a length of the Grand Canal), jointly built the glorious history of Chinese civilization through the ages.

  At present, the Baifu Spring lies in the Baifu Spring Wetland Park (covering nearly 400 hectares) as part of a heritage park, with its preservation of cultural relics and entertainment services improved consistently. However, its general outline has come into shape: the dried-out pool of the spring is now filled by clear water; streams gush from nine bluestone dragon heads hanging on the pool wall; the stone tablets and small pavilions by the spring have been refurbished; the Supreme Dragon King Temple on the hilltop has revitalized as its heyday in history; the Long Hill becomes more pleasant with water; lush trees, exuberant pines and cypresses, red leaves over hill and winding stone canals combined inject new impetus to the magnificent scenery of the Long Hill. The Wetland Park serves as a painting scroll, unfolding slowly with the vast water, the greenery of the shoals, misty willows and singing water birds.
  It is impossible to picture Guo’s investigation on his arrival at present. By that time, there were definitely no nine dragon heads, which might be carved in the Ming Dynasty or the Qing Dynasty. Undoubtedly, the spring then could be nothing but a natural pool of abundant water, so it was taken a fancy by Guo. After investigation, Guo decided to divert the water of the Baifu Spring and other surrounding springs into the Wengshan Pond as a supplement to its water source from the Yuquan Hill. In addition, the waterway connecting to the northern part of the canal was constructed to enrich the flow into the Great Capital of the Yuan Dynasty, so cargo ships bearing grains could directly enter the city. The water scarcity for grain transportation was the common challenge faced by the Great Capital of Yuan Dynasty and the Central Capital of the Jin Dynasty. Therefore, Guo turned to the mountains and plains at the northern suburbs after investigation.

  People who were familiar with the geography and landscape were confused that why Guo diverted the water of the Baifu Spring to Wengshan Lake: Wanshou Mountain and Yuquan Mountain are at the foot of the West Mountain, while the southeast part of Changping District is a valley. How could the water run upwards? In fact, people neglected the altitude and the contour line on the map. As a scientist, Guo had applied the approach to the Grand Canal project before. The Baifu Spring was 15 meters higher than the Wengshan Lake, so the water finds its own level.   In fact, the Gaoliang River composed of two reaches. The first reach was a natural river, an old watercourse of the Gaoliang River with a hardly expected origin — the area of the present Zizhuyuan Park (Purple Bamboo Park). It flew through the Baishi Bridge and the Gaoliang Bridge, entered the city through the Desheng Gate (Gate of Virtuous Triumph), proceeded along the Jishuitan Lake, Shichahai Lake, Beihai Lake, Zhongnanihai Lake, passed the Zhengyang Gate (Gate of Zenith Sun) and the alley of Xianyukou, ran southeastwards from the west Longtan Lake, reached the Shibali Bridge, and emptied into the old watercourse of Yongding River at the south Maju Bridge. The second reach, namely the watercourse leading from the west Zizhuyuan to the Kunming Lake (Wengshan Pond), was an artificial channel transformed from the old watercourse. Together with that reach of the Gaoliang River flowing through the outer area of Xizhimen in Xicheng and Haidian Districts, the watercourse was called “the Chang River, Yu River (Jade River), Yu River (Imperial River), or Cixi Watercourse.” Why naming it the Yu River (Jade River)? There are two different explanations. The
新疆拥有祖国六分之一的陆地面积,地处我国西部边陲,现有维吾尔、汉、回、哈萨克、蒙古、锡伯、塔吉克、俄罗斯、乌孜别克、满等民族。千百年来,新疆人以豁达开朗、兼容并蓄的性格彼此尊重、交流、发展,新疆的饮食文化也融合了各民族的特点,集各家之所长,丰富而又独特,广受全国各族人民乃至世界友人的喜爱,成为中国饮食文化中的瑰宝。  提起新疆的美食,你或许特别会对外酥里嫩的烤羊肉串、筋道柔韧的拉条子、麻辣鲜香的大
台湾的小吃小食早就风靡亚洲,口感好长相可爱,也是台湾小吃惹人喜的特点。那么,台湾的大餐又如果呢?早就想尝台湾大菜,今天终于在京城找到了这家不论从环境、菜品、用料、价格都非常地道的台湾本土餐厅,刚进门,已垂涎!    地道时尚台湾菜  印象里的台湾菜馆有几个特点,一是老板一定是台湾本地人,最少也要是闽南人;二是菜品不多,小巧精致惹人喜欢;三是有很多的饮料雹冰甜点来讨女孩子的欢心。  走进饭前饭后北京
立在山上还未运到海边的石像。谁在迎接第一缕阳光  在茫茫的南太平洋上,有一个孤零零的小岛,小岛由三座屹立在深海的火山峰组成,它长不过2.4千米,宽只有1.7千米,是名副其实的小岛。它离大陆太远了,距最近的智利大陆也有3700多千米,所以,这是一个完全与世隔绝的岛屿。  小岛没有水源,却终年下雨;全岛没有大树,却遍布杂草;岛上没有多少原住民,却伫立着千余座巨大的石人……太阳总是把它的第一道光芒洒在这
汪曾祺在《鱼我所欲也》中深情描述:“一桌子菜,全是鳝鱼。除了烤鳝背、炝虎尾等等名堂,主要的做法一是炒,二是烧。鳝鱼烫熟切丝再炒,叫做‘软兜’;生炒叫炒脆鳝。红烧鳝段叫‘火烧马鞍桥’。”  黄鳝也叫长鱼、鳝鱼。黄鳝多半隐匿在沟渠、稻田、池塘中,与甲鱼、泥鳅、乌龟并称为“四大河鲜”。它喜欢钻洞穴居住,昼伏夜出。夜晚出来觅食,以小鱼、螺蚌肉、蛙肉、蚯蚓等为食。黄鳝在我国食用和药用有悠久历史,清炖味美,常
当年的石油公路在雅丹地貌里穿越。曾经为湖的湖相地层呈现在雅丹地貌上。不同的沉积环境形成了色彩各异的地层。拟人化造型,这像不像马克思头像?  “柴达木”蒙古语意为“盐泽”,因分布有星罗棋布的盐湖和盐泽而得名。柴达木盆地被阿尔金山-祁连山-日月山-昆仑山等山脉环抱,东西长约700公里,南北宽150-200公里,面积近20万平方公里,是我国第二大盆地,也是我国地势最高的内陆山间盆地。  柴达木盆地是具有
有人把万里长城比喻为祖国大陆颈上的花环。据文物部门考察测量统计,全国各个时代修筑的长城全加起来,总长度超过10万公里。明代的万里长城,在北京段全长约629公里,呈半环形分布于平谷、密云、怀柔、昌平、延庆、门头沟等区,算弧形花环吧。春天花事繁忙的季节,北京段的各长城段各有各的花事故事。北京段长城春天的花事花景花情,让人动心。居庸关门墙上的野地黄  当我在居庸关北关门的城台高墙墙缝中看到紫色的野花时有
北京→集宁→凉城→丰镇→北京  总里程:998公里 (3天2晚)  线路3  皮件街、集宁博物馆、集宁战役馆:见线路1  岱海:国家AAAA旅游景区。凉爽之城休闲胜地。水面面积120平方公里,是内蒙古第三大内陆湖,盛产鱼类,尤以大银鱼为著名。营业时间:8:30至18:00。  二龙什台:景区内峭壁悬空,陡峰连天,沟壑纵横,林海苍茫,主峰海拔2305米,是凉城县境内最高的山峰。营业时间:8:30至
中秋前后,正是莲藕上市之时。菜市场边随处可见卖藕的乡民,那一堆堆刚从淤泥里崴出的鲜藕,小山似地码堆成一溜排,弥散着水生草木特有的气息。  莲藕,对于从小在水乡长大的我来说,实在是不陌生。记得孩提时,离家不远就有个荷塘。每到馨风和煦的六月,荷塘里便有一层层碧绿的荷叶衬托着绽放正艳的粉白荷花,以骄傲的神色在那随风摇曳,荡漾着过往路人的心。亭亭荷花,是莲做姑娘时的模样。到了秋天,荷塘暂时褪去了曾经的美丽
“江南雨,古巷韵绸缪。油纸伞中凝怨黛,丁香花下湿清眸。幽梦一帘收。”  ——白居易  分水岭乡,偏居四川泸州东南一隅的小镇,因自明清时期便广泛生产油纸伞而闻名,制作历史逾四百年。据清光绪八年(1882年)《泸县志·卷第三》载:“泸制(桐油)纸伞,颇为有名。城厢业此者二十余家。崇义分水岭亦多此者,而已分水岭所致最佳。近有美美,工作益精巧。”谨遵祖训 方寸之间  溽暑盛夏,车在城郊弯弯绕绕的山路上颠簸