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3月30日,北京燕化永乐农药有限公司获批登记了第2个多杀霉素水分散粒剂产品,有效成分含量为20%。此前,北京华戎生物激素厂于2010年登记了首个多杀霉素水分散粒剂产品,有效成分含量为10%。 March 30, Beijing YONGLONG Yongle Pesticide Co., Ltd. was approved to register the second spinosad water dispersible granules product, the active ingredient content of 20%. Earlier, Beijing Huarong bio-hormone plant in 2010 registered the first spinosad water-dispersible granules product, the active ingredient content of 10%.
The confinements of water can be divided into two main categories,namely,the confinements on surface or interface and the confinements in bulk water.By adding i
A series of MnMgAlO samples with different amounts of Ce doping were facilely prepared using coprecipitation method and their catalytic soot combustion activity
女性盆腔炎为常见病 ,包括急性或慢性的炎症 ,常为急性盆腔炎 ,未能恰当彻底治疗 ,病程迁延所致 ,但也有无急性炎症史者。我院自 1997年 6月~ 1999年 2月 ,在门诊用美迪克—红
Icosahedral quasicrystals are the most important and thermodynamically stable in all about 200 kinds of quasicrystals currently observed. Beyond the scope of cl
1.临床资料 孕妇,25岁,孕32周,自觉胎动消失7天,来院做产前检查。检查结果:胎儿头位,胎心微弱。B超检查:胎儿双顶径7.8cm,胎心及胎动存在,胎儿下腹部探及4cm大小之圆形低回
Surface patterning is very useful in biomaterial studies, yet it is not easy to prepare a micropattern with cell-adhesion contrast that is stable in a wet envir
A convenient and general method for acylation of free(N–H) indoles via palladium-catalyzed decarboxylative cross-coupling reaction was developed. This process
A short formal stereoselective synthesis of(-)-swainsonine(1) is described.Our synthesis started with the versatile building block(R)-3-benzyloxyglutarimide 5.T