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胡小林(座谈会主持人、《枣庄师专学报》副主编、中文系副教授):毕四海同志是山东作家群中一个影响较大、成就较高的作家。他的《东方商人》被改编成电视连续剧在中央电视台播出后,引起轰动,荣膺“飞天奖”和“金鹰奖”。多年来,我们一直密切关注着他的创作。《中国作家》1995年第6期发表了他的中篇小说《一个人的结构》,这部作品一反他过去的创作风格,立意独特,手法怪诞,反响很大;人们对这部作品褒贬不一,众说纷纭。今天,我们学报编辑部特邀集大家就这部作品展开讨论,希望诸位各陈己见,畅所欲言。 刘剑锋(文学评论家,枣庄师专中文系教授):四海的这个中篇一改过去写历史、写现实层面的创作路子,开始向内转,着意于解剖人、特别是中年文化人的心理和灵魂。作品表现了一个有妇之夫面对性的诱惑所表现出来的内心的慌乱、迷茫、矛盾和斗争。其心理基础是:既有对现实功利的强烈渴望,又有在性爱上的喜新厌旧,正所谓鱼我之所欲也,熊掌亦我之所欲也,所以烦恼者,因其不可得兼也。 这是一个古老的话题。作品中所大胆袒露的不过是男主人公对曾与之风雨同舟现已销尽红颜的中年妻子的冷漠和厌倦,并对年轻貌美的婚外恋人的狂热而已。作品所透露的这种“人性恶”,似乎并不具有普遍性,这只是一部分地位上升者的畸形 Hu Xiaolin (Moderator of the Symposium, Associate Editor of the Journal of Zaozhuang Teachers College, Associate Professor of Chinese Department): Comrade Bi Sihai is a writer who has a great influence and high achievement in Shandong writer group. After his “Oriental Businessman” was adapted into a television series aired on CCTV, he made a sensation and won the “Flying Star Award” and “Golden Eagle Award.” Over the years, we have been following closely his creation. The Chinese writer published his novel “The Structure of a Person” in the sixth issue of 1995, which has a great response to his past creative style, unique conception and weird way of doing things. People criticize the work Different, different opinions. Today, our journal editorial department invited everyone to discuss this work. I hope all of you will know each other and speak their minds freely. Liu Jianfeng (Literary Critic, Professor of Chinese Department of Zaozhuang Teachers College): This middle school of the world has changed from writing history to writing realistic ways of writing and starting to turn inward. It is intended to dissect the psychology of people, especially middle-aged cultural people And soul. The work shows the inner panic, confusion, contradiction and struggle shown by the temptation of a married woman to face sexuality. Its psychological basis is: both the strong desire for practical utilitarian, but also in the love of the new grateful, the so-called fish I want, bear the pawn I also want, so the trouble because they can not have both . This is an ancient topic. Boldly exposed in the works is only the indifference and boredom of the protagonist to the indifference and boredom of middle-aged wives who have already done their homework with the help of the storm, and the fanatics of the young and beautiful extramarital lovers. This kind of “evil human nature” disclosed in the works does not seem to be universal, and this is only a deformity of some ascending people
在新的历史条件下,企业思想政治工作如何在继承传统的同时不断创新,继续发挥出优势,成为当前亟待解决的课题。 应当说,借鉴和融合新学科,不断更新和完善自我,这也是时代对思
毅力是什么我要说毅力是山泉翻山越岭奔向理想的海滩毅力是劲竹顶破僵土的阻拦虚心拥抱希望的蓝天毅力是海燕为了追求从不惧怕风雨雷电…… Perseverance is what I want t