揽宝写珍 鉴古知今——采写文物考古报道的体会

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文物考古报道写好了,会给人以可亲、可信、可读之感,写不好,则会使人感到索然无味。对两年来的文物考古报道来个“回头望”,我觉得写文物考古报道应处理好以下三个关系: 第一,处理好古与今的关系,采撷最有价值、对今天最有裨益和借鉴的东西加以报道。一般说来,越久远,越稀少,科学性艺术性越高并具有文字或图像的文物,就越有价值,特别是“首次”发现的,更有采写报道的必要。比如,秦公一号大墓,由于历经2500多年,从中出土的任何文物都是珍贵的,但尤为珍贵的不是其中的金器、铜器,而是铁器和带有文字的石器,因为金、铜器,比这年代久远的已经发现,而铁器,则是我国出土时代最早的(春秋时楚墓中也有)。带有8个篆字的石磐,更有考古价值,通过文字分析,不仅知道了大墓的主人可能是秦景公,而且说明早在先秦时代,秦公就承认自己受黄帝四代孙高阳的庇佑,从而回答了史学界长期以来秦人是西 Cultural relics archaeological report is written, will give people a sense of amiability, credible, readable, badly written, it will make people feel boring. I think it is necessary to deal with the following three relations in archeological reports on cultural relics in the past two years: First, it is most valuable to handle the relationship between ancient and modern times, pick the most valuable ones and Use for reference to report. In general, the more valuable, the more ancient, the less artistic, the more artistic and artistic the cultural relics with texts or images are, and the more the “first” discovery is, and the more necessary it is to write and write reports. For example, the great tomb of Qin Gong No. 1, because of over 2500 years, is unearthed from any cultural relics are precious, but not particularly precious one of gold and bronze, but iron and stone with a text, because gold, Bronze wares have been discovered ever since this time ago, while the iron wares were the earliest unearthed in our country (also in the Chu tomb during the Spring and Autumn Period). Stone Pan with 8 seal characters, more archaeological value, through text analysis, not only knows the owner of the tomb may be Qin Jinggong, but also shows that as early as the pre-Qin era, Qin Gong admitted that he was the fourth generation of Sun Yat-sen’s blessing, Thus answering the history of Qin people for a long time is the West
本文介绍采用SC-801C工业控制单板机构成的应力冻结箱温度控制系统及Bang-Bang大林算法在该温度控制系统中的应用。 This article describes the use of SC-801C industrial
<正> 1949年2月,陈翰伯来到当时党中央驻地西柏坡,任新华总社编委兼国际新闻部主任。这时,全国即将解放,各条战线都是一个大发展的局面,都存在一个培养干部的问题。新闻战线如何适应全国解放后人民新闻事业大发展的需要,如何培养新型的人民记者这样一个重大的问题,引起了中央