
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(妇产科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guo20
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We report a case of a 38- year- old patient presenting with both pancreatic and a bilateral ovarian tumor revealed by a virilization syndrome. Clinically, both tumors were conceivably distinct. However, on histological examination, they were found to be morphologically similar, with neuroendocrine features, suggesting that pancreatic tumor was a primitive neoplasm and the ovarian one a metastatic spread of that lesion. The virilization syndrom was due to the functional status of the ovarian tumors that was confirmed by immunohistochemical detection of inhibin. We report a case of a 38- year- old patient presenting with both pancreatic and a bilateral ovarian tumor revealed by a virilization syndrome. However, on histological examination, they were found to be morphologically similar, with suggesting that pancreatic tumor was a primitive neoplasm and the ovarian one a metastatic spread of that lesion. The virilization syndrom was due to the functional status of the ovarian tumors that was confirmed by immunohistochemical detection of inhibin.
Aim:To identify and classify all potential hemolysin candidates of Leptospirainterrogans serogroup Icterohaemorrhagiae serovar Lai.Methods:All of thepotential
Hypertension and related cardiovascular diseases are the leading causes of deathin many countries.The etiology of human essential hypertension is largelyunknow
不合格药品名单1 盐酸利多卡因注射液 江苏常州武进制药厂(951010);河北宏宝药业有限公司(9604131);陕西咸阳市第三制药厂(960107、960108、960109)。2 维生素C片 广东台城
十二指肠平滑肌瘤为少见良性肿瘤,我院经手术、病理证实1例,现报告如下: 女性,26岁。主诉:黑便4天,呕血三次。患者缘于四天前无明显诱因出现解柏油样大便,量中,质稀,便后出现