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供给侧结构性改革意味着一场全新的变相革命,是思维的创新,如何破解改革的困境,谋划好全局的发展,根本在于把创新作为主驱动力,孕育改革的动力源泉,改革的方式以及全新的理念,最终打开改革新局面。供给侧结构性改革的出路是努力激发改革潜力,深入改革进度,创新改革方式和改革措去产能,创新改革理念,夯实改革基础。 Supply-side structural reform means a brand-new revolution in disguise, an innovation in thinking. How to crack the plight of reform and make plans for the overall development are based on innovation as the main driving force, source of motivation for reform, ways of reform and New ideas, and ultimately open a new situation in reform. The outlet of supply-side structural reform is to strive to stimulate the reform potential, deepen the progress of the reform, innovate the methods of reform and reform measures to reduce the production capacity, innovate the concept of reform and consolidate the foundation of the reform.