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当前职业教育陷入困境,这是每一名职教工作者不能回避无法回避的事实。那么,职业学校如何走出低谷,实现二次创业?我认为适应社会需求,形成新的发展趋势,是职教生存和发展的关键。随着知识经济和信息时代的到来,社会对人才提出了更高的要求,对人才的需求已不再是单纯的技能型,而是由操作型人才向智能型人才转化;由职业型人才向社会型人才转化;由从业型人才向创造人才转化。人才质量的社会需求不断提高,呼唤职业教育由专业人才的培养转向社会通才的培养。职业学校必须按照社会的需求,调整办学思路,办出自己的特色。一、素质教育立校,创建学校特色1.走素质教育之路。职业教育最本质的思想是素质教育。随着市场经济的发展和用人制度的改革,职业学校必须培养具有良好的职业道德素质和进取意识,有较宽基础知识,熟练专业技能,并有健康体魄的人才。突出 At present, vocational education is in a difficult situation. This is why every vocational worker can not sidestep the unavoidable fact. So, how to get out of the trough and realize the second pioneering? In my opinion, to meet the needs of society and to form a new trend of development is the key to the survival and development of vocational education. With the advent of the knowledge economy and the information age, the society has put forward higher requirements for talents, and the demand for talents has ceased to be a mere skill type, but transformed from an operational type to an intelligent type. From a professional type to a talented person, Transformation of social talents; transformation from practitioners to creative professionals. The social demand of talented person quality is unceasingly raised, calling for vocational education to shift from the cultivation of professionals to the cultivation of general talents. Vocational schools must be in accordance with the needs of society, adjust school ideas, do its own characteristics. First, the quality of education legislation school, create school characteristics 1. Take the road of quality education. The most essential idea of ​​vocational education is quality education. With the development of the market economy and the reform of employing system, vocational schools must cultivate talents with good professional ethics and enterprising spirit, broad basic knowledge, proficient professional skills and healthy body. prominent
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对国内2004-2008年图书馆学研究高被引论文的被引用情况进行了统计分析。结果表明,2004-2008年,国内图书馆学研究高被引论文共104篇,总被引频次5 705次,篇均被引频次54.85次
如今的人们都在思考一个问题。文凭、水平、事业三者有着什么样的联系 ?已经步入中专的我们 ,不久就要面临就业 ,也就是人们常说的一句话 :要去创立一番事业。可是创立事业的