Clinical characteristics of null responders to Peg-IFNα2b/ribavirin therapy for chronic hepatitis C

来源 :World Journal of Hepatology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:skyedge228
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AIM: To predict which chronic hepatitis C patients are likely to be late-responders, we herein investigated the clinical characteristics of null-responders at 36 wk with hepatitis C virus (HCV) genotype Ib and a high viral load during the course of pegylated interferon (Peg-IFN)/ ribavirin ther apy. METHODS: One hundred forty-two patients with genotype Ib HCV and a high viral load were included in this study. Peg-IFNα2b (1.5 μg/kg once a week) and ribavirin (600-1000 mg per day according to body weight) were administered for 48 wk. We def ined nullresponders as the cases that never cleared serum HCV RNA as determined using RT-PCR until 36 wk. Other patients were def ined as responders. We compared the clinical characteristics (age, gender, body mass index, previous treatment) and HCV RNA titer during the therapy between null-responders and responders.RESULTS: The HCV RNA clearance rate was 17.9% (24/134), 46.3% (62/134), 60.6% (86/142), 86.6% (123/142), and 88.0% (125/142) at 4, 8, 12, 24, and 36 wk, respectively. There were 17 patients (12.0%) who were still null-responders at 36 wk. There were no differences in the clinical characteristics between the responders and null-responders except for the titer and decline rates of HCV RNA at 1 wk and 4 wk. The HCV RNA titers at 1 wk and after 4 wk of treatment were significantly higher in the null-responders in comp arison to the responders (P <0.01). The serum HCV RNA titers of the responders decreased by 1.3 log after 1 wk of treatment, and 1.6 log after 4 wk of treatm ent, respectively. On the other hand, the titers of the null responders decreased by only 0.5 log after 1 wk, and 0.7 log after 4 wk of treatment, respectively. The decrease rates of HCV RNA after 1 and 4 wk of treatm ent were signif icantly worse for null responders than for the responders (P <0.01). CONCLUSION: The HCV RNA titer at 1 wk and 4 wk after initiating treatment may be useful for predicting null-responders to Peg-IFNα2b/ribavirin therapy. However, further investigation is needed to determine the optimal time at which the decision to discontinue the Peg-IFNα2b/ribavirin therapy for null-responders can be made. AIM: To predict which chronic hepatitis C patients are likely to be late-responders, we herein investigated the clinical characteristics of null-responders at 36 wk with hepatitis C virus (HCV) genotype Ib and a high viral load during the course of pegylated interferon (Peg-IFN) / ribavirin ther apy. METHODS: One hundred forty-two patients with genotype Ib HCV and a high viral load were included in this study. Peg- IFNα2b (1.5 μg / kg once a week) and ribavirin 1000 mg per day according to body weight) were administered for 48 weeks. We deflated nullresponders as the cases that never cleared serum HCV RNA as determined using RT-PCR until 36 weeks. Other patients were defined as responders. We compared the clinical characteristics (age, gender, body mass index, previous treatment) and HCV RNA titer during the therapy between null-responders and responders.RESULTS: The HCV RNA clearance rate was 17.9% (24/134) , 60.6% (86/142), 86.6% (123/142), and 88.0% (125/142) at 4, 8, 1 There were no differences in the clinical characteristics between the responders and null-responders except for the titer and decline rates of HCV RNA at 1 wk and 4 wk. The HCV RNA titers at 1 wk and after 4 wk of treatment were significantly higher in the null-responders in comp arison to the responders (P <0.01). The serum HCV RNA titers of the on the other hand, the titers of the null responders decreased by only 0.5 log after 1 wk, and 0.7 log after 4 wk of treatment, respectively. The decrease rates of HCV RNA after 1 and 4 wk of treatm ent were signif icantly worse for null responders than for the responders (P <0.01). CONCLUSION: The HCV RNA titer at 1 wk and 4 wk after initiating treatment may be useful for predicting null-responders to Peg-IFNα2b / ribavirin therapy owever, further investigation is needed to determine the optimal time at which the decision to discontinue the Peg-IFNα2b / ribavirin therapy for null-responders can be made.
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前段时间,笔者参加了一个学习、培训活动,学习期间恰逢承办学校研究性学习课堂展示,这次展示包含了语文课堂的多种形式:既有阅读课、口语交际课,又有习作课。作为听众和学习者的我不免要思考、要比较、要反思,现在细细回想起那几节语文课,对研究性学习感触颇多……现将其形诸文字。  新《课标》指出:语文教学过程是学生在教师的指导下,通过自己的学习活动,掌握知识,发展能力,形成良好的道德品质、较好的语言文学素养、
摘 要: 初中体育与健康课程是中学课程体系的重要组成部分。初中体育与健康课程是以体育锻炼为主要方式,以学习体育与健康知识、技能与方法为重要内容,以提高学生的身体素质,培养学生的终身锻炼意识和能力为首要目标的课程。在初中体育与健康教育教学中,只有让初中生真正认识到体育与健康的重要性,掌握科学的锻炼方法和技巧,并养成终身体育锻炼的习惯,才能为初中生将来走向社会、适应社会打下坚实的基础,并使他们终生受益