
来源 :法制与社会(锐视版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aiqinghua5223
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在云南红河州绿春县平河乡有一位被人们誉为“维护公平正义,保障群众利益”的普通司法助理员,他叫普先沙,是绿春县平河乡司法所所长,全国“四五”普法模范。平河乡与越南接壤,位于贫困山区,村落分散、交通闭塞。由于群众法律意识低,因山林、水利等权属问题引起的矛盾纠纷比较突出,群众性械斗等恶性案件时有发生,在一定程度上影响了农村群众正常的生产生活秩序和边疆的社会稳定,严重制约了全乡经济的发展。1988年7月,普先沙担任平河乡司 In Pinghe Township, Luchun County, Yunnan Province, there is an ordinary judicial assistant who has been hailed as “safeguarding fairness and justice and safeguarding the interests of the masses.” His name is Pu Sisha. He is the director of the Justice Department of Pinghe Township in Luchun County, “Four Five ” popularization model. Pinghe Township border with Vietnam, located in poor mountainous areas, villages scattered, traffic congestion. Due to the low legal awareness of the masses, contradictions and disputes arising from ownership issues such as forests and water conservancy are prominent, and vicious cases such as militancy and fighting occur from time to time, affecting the normal mass production and living order and social stability in the border areas to a certain extent. Seriously restricted the economic development of the township. July 1988, Pu Sisha as Pinghe Township Secretary
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复合配方生产金针菇,既省工省时,又可增加产量25%~30%。其技术要点如下: 1.培养基配方 先将麦杆切成2~3厘米的小段,用0.5%~1%的石灰水浸泡半天,捞起沥干。然后按棉籽壳100公斤,麦杆
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