Anthropogenic CO2 Signals recorded in particulate matter and surface sediments in the South China Se

来源 :第二届SOLAS国际开放科学大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hsb1588
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  The burning of fossil fuels has a profound influence on carbon reservoirs.The 13C/12C ratio of carbon dissolved in the ocean is changing as fossil fuel carbon invades the surface.This will lead to deplete the 13C/12C ratio of organic matter when phytoplankton utilized dissolved carbon.The comparison of δ 13 Corg in surface sediments and that in sediment trap samples indicates that δ 13 Corg is slightly lighter in particulate matter than that in surface sediments.Considering the selective degradation will result in enrichment of lighter 13C/12C ratio of organic carbon in surface sediment,the abnormally light δ 13 Corg in sediment trap samples likely resulted from rapidly increasing pCO2 due to recent human activities.Based on reference methods we propose a simple approach for estimating the recent oceanic Suess effect of δ 13 Corg in the South China Sea,a semi-enclosed marginal sea in the west Pacific.
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  Doug Vandemark (Univ.of New Hampshire Inst.for the Study of Earth,Oceans and Space,Morse Hall,Rm 142,Durham,NH 03824; 1-603-862-0195; e-mail: doug.vandemark
  The data were collected during Chinese Arctic and Antarctic Expeditions in the western Arctic Ocean and the marginal sea ice zone (MIZ) of the Southern Ocea
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一、早期覆盖薄膜 为了促使藤稔葡萄幼龄苗木的前期生长,春植后应立即采用地膜覆盖,同时加盖薄膜小拱棚,这样可增高膜内温度,促使冬芽早发快长。为避免高温伤害叶片,必须勤
复合配方生产金针菇,既省工省时,又可增加产量25%~30%。其技术要点如下: 1.培养基配方 先将麦杆切成2~3厘米的小段,用0.5%~1%的石灰水浸泡半天,捞起沥干。然后按棉籽壳100公斤,麦杆
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