
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(皮肤病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:RyanD
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Candida species rarely cause black pigmentation of infected nails and only a few cases have been reported in the literature. We describe a 53-year-old white man who had diffuse melanonychia of the fourth right fingernail due to C. albicans. A progressive dark pigmentation of his nail appeared over 6 months, following paronychial inflammation. The melanonychia was associated with brittleness. There was no onycholysis or hyperkeratosis. Direct examination with potassium hydroxide demonstrated round yeast cells in the specimen. The samples were cultured on Sabouraud glucose agar containing chloramphenicol at 27° C and showed white growth after a few days. The patient was successfully treated with systemic itraconazole. Candida species rarely cause black pigmentation of infected nails and only a few cases have been reported in the literature. We describe a 53-year-old white man who had diffuse melanonychia of the fourth right fingernail due to C. albicans. A progressive dark pigmentation The was cultured on Sabouraud glucose agar containing chloramphenicol at 6 months, the following paronychial inflammation. The melanonychia was associated with brittleness. There was no onycholysis or hyperkeratosis. 27 ° C and showed white growth after a few days. The patient was successfully treated with systemic itraconazole.
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