
来源 :湖南省县域经济发展报告 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tiger5156
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一、2009年工作总体回顾2009年,是绥宁发展进程中非同寻常的一年。我们在市委、市政府和中共绥宁县委正确领导下,以科学发展观为统揽,积极应对全球金融危机和“6·9”特大山洪地质灾害,全县上下众志成城,攻难克艰,奋力拼搏,最终实现了全县经济社会平稳较快发展。全年完成生产总值36.47亿元,同比增长12.9%;财政收入17165万元,增长7%;全社会固定资产投资24.38亿元,增长42.03%;城镇居民人均可支配收入10402元,增长9.2%;农民人均纯收入3932元,增长1.03%。 I. Overall Review of the Work in 2009 In 2009, it was an extraordinary year in the process of Suining’s development. Under the correct leadership of the CPC Shanghai Municipal Committee, the municipal government and the CPC Suining County Committee, we take the scientific outlook on development as the guide and actively respond to the global financial crisis and the “6.9-magnitude” geological disaster. , Worked hard and eventually realized the county economy and society steady and rapid development. The annual gross output value of GDP was 3.647 billion yuan, an increase of 12.9% over the same period of last year; the fiscal revenue was 171.65 million yuan, up 7%; the total investment in fixed assets of the whole society was 2.438 billion yuan, up by 42.03%; per capita disposable income of urban residents was 10,402 yuan, up 9.2% ; Per capita net income of farmers 3932 yuan, an increase of 1.03%.
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目的 抗软化番茄作为一种新开发的转基因食品 ,具有抗腐败、易贮存的特点。我们在急性毒性试验基础上对其进行了 30d喂养试验 ,检测在试验剂量下是否对动物产生毒作用。方法
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本文通过对教学中物理模型、数学模型、概念模型的含义、特点及其建构方法、教育教学价值进行分析,探索提高生物科学素养的有效教学途径。 This article analyzes the meani