中共吉林省委书记 王珉:深入贯彻落实科学发展观 加快实现吉林老工业基地全面振兴

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吉林改革发展已经站在新的历史起点上,正处在增强发展基础、调整经济结构、持续加快发展的关键阶段,面临着重大历史机遇。面向未来,我们将以科学发展观统领经济社会发展全局,立足加快发展、坚持科学发展、促进和谐发展,在更高起点上实施科教兴省、开放带动、县域突破、人才兴业战略,强基础、调结构、增效益,加快推进新型工业化、农业现代化和特色城镇化,调动一切发展因素,利用一切发展条件,抓住一切发展机会,采取一切发展措施,更好更快地发展,经过今后五年的努力,使吉林老工业基地实现振兴,社会主义新农村建设取得实质性成果,和谐社会建设取得阶段性进展,加快建设经济发达、人民富裕、社会和谐、生态优良的新吉林。 Jilin’s reform and development have stood at a new historical starting point and are now at a crucial stage of strengthening the basis of development, adjusting their economic structure and continuously accelerating development, facing major historic opportunities. Facing the future, we will guide the overall economic and social development with the scientific concept of development, base ourselves on speeding up development, adhering to scientific development and promoting harmonious development. At a higher starting point, we will implement the strategy of accelerating the reform through science and education, opening up, county breakthroughs, Adjust structure and increase benefits, speed up the process of new industrialization, agricultural modernization and urbanization with special features, mobilize all development factors, make full use of all development conditions, seize all opportunities for development and take all development measures to achieve better and faster development. After five years So as to revitalize the old industrial base of Jilin Province and achieve substantive results in the construction of a new socialist countryside. The construction of a harmonious society has made staged progress and accelerated the construction of a new Jilin with a developed economy, a prosperous society, harmonious society and excellent ecological environment.
《经济》:是什么使你们选择奥运特许?史飞:这里面有偶然因素,也有必然的因素。2004年的时候,我们成立文化公司,起步阶段以做演出、展览为主,经营了一段时间,我们发 “Econom
An acid sulfate soil sample was successively extracted with deionized water, 1 mol L-1 KCl and 0.000 5 mol L-l Ca(OH)2 solutions. The results showed that only v