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目的了解咸阳市礼泉县人群土源线虫感染状况,为制定防治对策提供依据。方法根据《全国土源性线虫病防治技术方案》要求选点,确定监测人群,应用改良加藤厚涂片法和3~12岁加透明胶带肛拭法对人体土源线虫感染情况进行调查。结果调查了2 500人,感染率为1.40%(35/2 500);其中蛔虫感染率1.08%(27/2 500),鞭虫感染率0.32%(8/2 500),未检出钩虫和蛲虫。结论礼泉县属土源性线虫病流行三类地区,年龄偏大、文化程度低、从事农业生产的人群仍是感染土源线虫的重点人群,应继续加大防治知识宣传。 Objective To understand the infection status of soil-borne nematodes in Liquan County, Xianyang City, so as to provide basis for the prevention and control measures. Methods According to the requirements of the national technical scheme of prevention and treatment of soil-borne nematode diseases, the monitoring population was determined. The infection of soil-borne nematodes was investigated by using the modified Kato thick smear method and the analgesic method of 3 ~ 12 years old plus transparent tape. Results The infection rate was 1.40% (35/2 500). The infection rate of ascaris infection was 1.08% (27/2 500) and the infection rate of whipworm was 0.32% (8/2 500). No hookworm and Pinworm. Conclusion Liquan County is a endemic area of ​​three kinds of soil-borne nematode epidemics. Older people with low education level and people engaged in agricultural production are still the key people infected with soil-borne nematodes. Knowledge dissemination of prevention and treatment should be continued.
Molecular virology methods including polymerase chain reaction,cloning and sequencing have revolutionised our understanding of viral genome variation.In the cas
目的:探讨Oddi括约肌Cajal间质细胞(interstitial cells of Cajal,ICC)在家兔实验性重症急性胰腺炎(severe acute pancreatitis,SAP)中的变化.ICC在SAP引起的胃肠运动功能障碍的发病机制上的潜在作用已引起人们的重视。方法:共有16只新西兰雌性白兔随机分为两组(n=8):假手术组和SAP组;逆行注射5%牛磺胆酸钠(1.0mL/kg)进
Human immunodeficiency virus(HIV)and hepatitis C virus(HCV)share the same transmission routes;therefore,coinfection is frequent.An estimated 5-10 million indivi