明确任务 落实措施 抓好防汛工作——谭策吾厅长访谈录

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去年汛期,我省发生了严重的洪涝灾害,渭河、汉江等主要江河出现20多年来最大洪水。在党中央、国务院的亲切关怀和省委、省政府的正确领导下,经过全省上下的共同努力,取得了防汛抗洪斗争的全面胜利,将灾害损失减少到了最低程度。今年汛期已至,防汛形势怎样?防汛准备工作开展如何?能否安全度汛?带着这些问题,本刊记者采访了省防总指挥长、省水利厅厅长谭策吾。 In the flood season last year, a serious flood disaster occurred in our province. The major rivers in the Weihe River and Han River have witnessed the largest floods in more than 20 years. With the cordial care of the party Central Committee and the State Council and the correct leadership of the provincial party committee and the provincial government, the entire triumph of the flood control and flood fighting struggle has been achieved through the concerted efforts of the whole province and the disaster losses have been reduced to a minimum. Flood season has come to this year, flood control situation how? Preparedness for flood prevention work? Whether the safety of flood? With these problems, our correspondent interviewed the provincial defense commander, Minister of Water Resources Tan Cewu.
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