国际沙棘研讨会即将如期举行 水利部领导作重要指示

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国际沙棘研讨会即将于1995年12月12日在北京召开,目前会议的筹备工作已经就绪.水利部朱登铨副部长最近指出,开好国际沙棘会议要做到三条:第一,一定要扩大宣传.因为这次会议不仅是水利部的事,它还涉及到其他行业;第二,会议一定要解决问题,不能泛泛而谈,会议一是交流学术,二是解决在北京成立国际沙棘中心的问题;第三,要各方面都满意,要皆大欢喜.所以,必须全力以赴开好国际沙棘会议.对于会议内容,朱登铨副部长在国际沙棘研讨会筹备领导小组会上指出,一是学术交流,要做很多工作,安排专家发言,包括翻译、材料打印等一整套工作;二是讨论成立国际沙棘中心问题,要讨论机构、章程、专家网络,重要的是解决挂靠国际机构问题,要争取国际广泛支持,争取国际沙棘中心得到国际上的承认,争取合法化.国际沙棘研讨会经过筹备人员的艰苦努力,已经完成了大量的工作.(1)5月初由大会临时筹备组向部领导报送申请召开国际会议的请示报告,初步确定了大会的时间、地点、议程及有关事项.(2)5月底接到钮部长批示后,正式开始各项筹备工作.初步确定了会议代表,编写了会议通知及有关大会文件.(3)6月8日,朱登铨副部长听取临时筹备组的工作汇报.正式成立了以朱登铨副部长为组长的大会筹备领导小组,并召开第一次筹备领导小组会议.(4)6月 The International Seabuckthron Seminar will be held in Beijing on December 12, 1995. The preparations for the current meeting are ready. Vice Minister Zhu Denquan recently pointed out that there are three things to be done to set up the International Seabuckthorn Conference: First, we must expand publicity. Because this meeting is not only a matter for the Ministry of Water Resources, it also involves other industries; second, the meeting must solve the problem and can not be generalized. The first is to exchange views and the second is to solve the issue of setting up an international seabuckthorn center in Beijing. Thirdly, we must be satisfied with all aspects and we should all be happy. Therefore, we must go all out to open the International Seabuckthron Conference. For the meeting, Vice Minister Zhu Denquan pointed out at the Preparatory Leading Group for the International Seabuckthron Seminar that academic exchanges should be done A lot of work to arrange experts to speak, including translation, material printing, a set of work; the second is to discuss the establishment of international seabuckthorn center to discuss the institutions, constitution, expert network, it is important to solve the problem of affiliated institutions, to win international support, International seabuckthron center for international recognition, for legalization. International seabuckthorn seminar after the preparation of the staff of the hard work, has completed a large (1) At the beginning of May, the Provisional Preparatory Group of the General Assembly sent a report on the invitation to the ministry leaders to hold an international conference, initially setting the time, place, agenda and related issues for the conference. (2) (3) On June 8, Vice Minister Zhu Denquan listened to the report of the work of the Provisional Preparatory Group, and formally established a meeting with Vice Minister Zhu Denquan Prepare the leading group for the leader’s assembly and hold the first preparation for the leading group meeting. (4) June
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