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髓样脂肪瘤 (AML)大多数发生在肾上腺 ,少数发生在肾上腺外 ,包括纵隔、骶前区域、腹膜后、肾周、肝、胃和脊柱 [1 ,2 ]、肠系膜 ,其中一半发生在骶前区域 ,并有发现在胸膜的报道[3 ] ,该病是一种无功能的良性肿瘤 ,过去主要在尸检时被偶然发现 ,临床上少见。 1 90 5年 Gierke Most cases of myeloid lipoma (AML) occur in the adrenal glands, with the exception of the adrenal gland, including the mediastinum, presacral region, retroperitoneal, perirenal, liver, stomach and spine [1, 2] Anterior region, and found in the pleural report [3], the disease is a non-functional benign tumor, the past was mainly found by chance at the autopsy, clinically rare. 1 90 5 years Gierke
In order to balance the compressive stress of a silicon dioxide film and compose a steady MEMS structure,asilicon-rich silicon nitride film with tensil estressi
患者男 ,32岁。以腰、股部皮下肿物渐大 2年为主诉就诊。体检 :左腰部、双侧股部后侧皮下触及多个大小不等肿物 ,最大 4 cm× 2 cm,轻度压痛 ,界清 ,推之不移动 ,表面皮肤无
A low specific on-resistance(R on;sp/ SOI NBL TLDMOS(silicon-on-insulator trench LDMOS with an N buried layer) is proposed. It has three features: a thin N buri
In Xishuangbanna,one of China’s most biodiverse regions,landscape has changed dramatically during the past three decades due to the conversion of tropical rain
目的 探讨月经周期中各期子宫内膜的端粒酶表达及其在子宫内膜周期性变化中的意义。方法 采用端粒重复序列扩增法 (telomericrepeatamplificationprotocol,TRAP)方法检测 6
胰腺癌为我国较为常见的恶性肿瘤之一。早期诊断早期治疗是目前临床上最为重要的课题。当前国内较为流行的糖类抗原 - 199(CA - 199)是诊断胰腺癌的重要诊断标志物[1] ,但其早