加强科学用药 及时控制水稻主要病虫危害

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受台风及降雨的影响,今年水稻稻飞虱、稻纵卷叶螟“两迁”害虫等发生比较重。当前正是防治的有利时机,要根据田间虫量及病害发生情况,切实抓好防治,及时、有效控制其危害,保证水稻正常生长。水稻是我国种植面积最大的作物,也是遭受病虫害严重侵袭的作物,每年病虫害发生面积都在16亿亩次以上。病虫害的暴发与猖獗危害势必会严重影响水稻的高产、稳产,而水稻病虫的防控技术,特别是化学防治技术,是有效控制和减轻病虫危害、保障粮食丰收的重要措施,但化学防控措施如果应 Affected by typhoons and rainfall, rice planthoppers, rice leafrolls, “two moved ” pests and other occurrences heavier this year. At present, it is a favorable time for prevention and control. Effective prevention and control should be implemented in a timely and effective manner according to the amount of insect pest and diseases in the field and the normal growth of rice should be guaranteed. Rice is China’s largest crop of crops, but also suffer from serious pests and diseases of crops, pests and diseases occur every year in more than 1.6 billion mu times. Pest outbreaks and rampant hazards are bound to seriously affect the high yield and stable yield of rice. The prevention and control of rice pests and diseases, especially the chemical control technologies, are important measures to effectively control and mitigate pests and diseases and ensure grain harvest. However, Control measures if so
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