
来源 :中国天然药物 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:icnew
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目的:比较不同种、不同产地及不同采收期山楂叶中8种主要多元酚类成分(牡荆素、牡荆素2″O 鼠李糖苷、芦丁、绿原酸、槲皮素、金丝桃苷、4 O 葡萄糖牡荆素和4 O 鼠李糖芦丁)的含量。方法:用高效液相色谱(HPLC)法。色谱柱为LichrospherC18(250×4.6mmI.D.,5μm);流动相A为乙腈-四氢呋喃(95∶5)、B为0.5%磷酸水溶液,梯度洗脱,0 ~12minA由12%~17%,12~25minA由17%~18%,25~35minA由18%~40%,35~40minA由40%~100%,40~45 minA为100%,流速1ml/min;柱温30℃;进样量10μl;检测波长360nm。结果:野山楂叶中这8种多元酚类成分的总含量最高(3.70%~6.20%),其次是山里红叶(1.12%~2.28%),再次是单子山楂叶(0.98%),云南山楂叶中这8种成分的含量最低(0.70%~0.87%)。对同种的山楂叶来说,其含量随着产地及采收期的不同有着较大差异,含量最高的野山楂叶采自江西于都县,山里红叶中含量最高的是采自山东日照市;对不同时期采收的山里红叶分析表明,嫩叶中尤其是开花期(五月)采收的叶中这8种成分的含量最高,然后慢慢降低到一个相对稳定的水平。结论:不同种、不同产地及不同采收期的山楂叶中这8种主要多元酚类成分的含量存在明显的差异。 OBJECTIVE: To compare 8 main polyphenols in viridans leaves of different species, origin, and harvest time (Avicin, vitexin 2′′ o rhamnoside, rutin, chlorogenic acid, quercetin, gold Contents of rhodamine, 4 O dextrin, and 4 O rhamnose rutin. Method: High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC).Column was Lichrospher C18 (250×4.6 mm I.D., 5 μm); Mobile phase A is acetonitrile-tetrahydrofuran (95:5), B is 0.5% phosphoric acid aqueous solution, gradient elution, 0 to 12 minA from 12% to 17%, 12 to 25 minA from 17% to 18%, and 25 to 35 minA from 18% 40%, 35-40 min A from 40% to 100%, 40-45 min A is 100%, flow rate 1 ml/min, column temperature 30°C, injection volume 10 μl, detection wavelength 360 nm.Results: 8 species in wild hawthorn leaves The total content of polyphenols was the highest (3.70% to 6.20%), followed by the leaves of Shanli (1.12% to 2.28%), and again to the leaves of Monopterus alba (0.98%). The content of these eight components in the leaf of Yunnan Crataegus was the lowest ( 0.70%~0.87%) For the same species of hawthorn leaves, their contents vary greatly depending on the place of production and the harvest period. The highest content of wild hawthorn leaves is collected from Yudu County, Jiangxi Province, and the highest content is in the leaves of Shanli County. It was collected from Rizhao City, Shandong Province; The analysis of red leaves in the mountains collected at the same time showed that the contents of these 8 components in the young leaves, especially in the flowering stage (May), were the highest, and then gradually reduced to a relatively stable level.Conclusion: Different species, There were significant differences in the contents of these eight major polyphenols in hawthorn leaves from different producing areas and from different harvest periods.
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为观察和研究灌流外源性谷氨酸时复合动作电位 (CAP)和微音电位(CM)的变化特点 ,行全耳蜗灌流不同浓度谷氨酸 (1、5、10mmol/L) 2h,由圆窗记录CAP和CM。结果显示 :CAP的阈值
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