规范招投标行为 加强公路建设监管 全国东部地区公路建设座谈会在杭召开

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今年公路建设要以贯彻国家《公路法》、《招标投标法》为龙头,以开展第三个“公路建设质量年活动”、“关于整顿和规范公路建设市场秩序的意见”为载体,以加强政府监管为主线,以落实《公路建设市场准入规定》、《公路建设四项制度实施办法》、《公路建设监督管理办法》及有关公路建设法规为重点,规范市场,完善法规,从严执法,确保质量与安全,全面完成公路建设任务。这是记者日前从在杭州召开的全国东部地区公路建设座谈会上获悉的。 在东部地区公路建设座谈会上,来自东部的11个省市的代表作了大会经验交流,并就勘察设计、工程监理、政府监督管理工作进行了分组讨论。交通部公路司副司长王玉作了专题讲话。 “九五”期间,交通部认真贯彻中央实施积极的财政政策精神,促进公路建设实现跨越式发展。投资规模连续三年超过2000亿元,其中东部地区的公路建设完成投资规模连续三年超过1100亿元,占全国公路建设投资规模的一半左右,为 This year’s highway construction should follow the guidance of the State Highway Law and Bidding Law, carry out the third “Year of Highway Construction Quality” and “Opinions on Rectifying and Regulating the Market Order of Highway Construction” Government supervision as the main line, with the implementation of “Highway Construction Market Access Regulations”, “Highway Construction Measures for the Implementation of the Four Systems”, “Highway Construction Supervision and Management Measures” and the relevant highway construction laws and regulations as the focus, standardize the market, improve laws and regulations, strict enforcement , Ensure quality and safety, and fully accomplish the task of highway construction. This is what reporters recently learned from a symposium on highway construction in the eastern part of the country held in Hangzhou. During the symposium on highway construction in the eastern region, representatives from 11 provinces and cities in the east made exchange of experiences in the conference and conducted group discussions on survey and design, project supervision and government supervision and management. Wang Yu, deputy director of the Highway Department of the Ministry of Communications made a special speech. During the Ninth Five-year Plan, the Ministry of Communications earnestly implemented the spirit of the proactive fiscal policy implemented by the Central Government and promoted the development of highways by leaps and bounds. The investment scale surpassed 200 billion yuan for three consecutive years, of which the investment in road construction in the eastern part of the country has exceeded 110 billion yuan for three consecutive years, accounting for about half of the national highway construction investment,
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