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王志鸿,1950年生人,女,北京人,著名花鸟画家王静如先生(“牡丹王”)之长女。幼承家训,勤学不辍,德艺双修。曾师从王庆升、彭培泉、王挥春、刘春华等教授。作品入选国家博物馆、中国美术馆、军事博物馆等单位大型书画展。获“龙脉杯”书画展教授级荣誉奖、“中华世纪之光”书画展金奖及“海峡两岸德艺双馨艺术家”称号。现任中央办公厅老年书画研究会常务副会长、中央办公厅老年大学花鸟画教师、北京美术家协会会员、中华清风书画协会副秘书长兼常务理事、北京湖社画会副秘书长等职。 Wang Zhihong, born in 1950, female, Beijingers, the famous flower and bird painter Mr. Wang Jingru (“Peony King”) of the eldest daughter. Young Cheng family training, diligent stop, double German virtues. Have studied from Wang Qingsheng, Peng Peiquan, Wang Hui Chun, Liu Chunhua and other professors. Selected works of the National Museum, China Art Museum, military museums and other units large-scale painting exhibition. Won the “Dragon Cup” exhibition of calligraphy and painting honor professor award, “” the light of the Chinese century “painting and calligraphy exhibition and” cross the Taiwan Strait double Xin artist "title. The current office of the elderly painting and Calligraphy Research Association Executive Vice President, the Central Office of the University of old birds and flowers painting teacher, member of the Beijing Artists Association, Chinese breeze calligraphy and painting Association Deputy Secretary-General and executive director, deputy director of Beijing Lake Society painting.
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