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各位来宾、各位代表、同志们: 中国农学会农业图书馆分会第三次代表大会暨学术讨论会在广西南宁召开,我谨代表广西农业科学院对各位代表表示热烈地欢迎,对大会表示衷心地祝贺! 农业图书馆工作,是农业科研、教学工作的重要组成部分,在科教兴农中肩负重任。在全国上下深入学习贯彻党的十四大精神的时候,召开中国农学会农业图书馆分会第三次代表大会具有重要的现实意义。广西农业大学图书馆和广西农科院图书馆是广西两个主要的农业图书馆,本次大会在广 Distinguished guests, delegates and comrades: The Third Congress and Symposium of the Agricultural Library Branch of the Chinese Agricultural Society was held in Nanning, Guangxi. On behalf of the Guangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences, I would like to extend my warm welcome to all the delegates and heartily congratulate the meeting. Agricultural library work, is an important part of agricultural research, teaching, science and education in agriculture to shoulder the important task. It is of great practical significance to convene the Third Congress of the Agricultural Library Branch of the Chinese Agricultural Society when studying and implementing the spirit of the 14th National Congress of the CPC throughout the country. Guangxi Agricultural University Library and Guangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences Library in Guangxi two major agricultural libraries, the General Assembly in Canton
This paper reviews the risk assessment method of an underground pressure pipeline, introduces the risk assessment method of expert grading, fuzzy integrative as
1 基本资料查《河南省中小流域设计暴雨水文图集》之图26,即得各水文分区 m~θ相关线的特征点参数,如表1所示。 2 m~θ相关线的数字化模型建立2.1 根据对 m~θ相关线图形的分析
1965年4~5月间,我们本着节约的精神,经过试验,采用一剂灭虫宁及驱蛔灵的方法治疗肠蛔虫症,获得很好疗效,为了交流经验,兹报道如下: From April to May 1965, in keeping wit
投资创意: 黑色食品是21世纪“药食同一”的保健食品,古语有“民以食为天,物以稀为贵,食以黑为补”之说。它具有清除人体内自由抗氧化、降血脂、抗肿瘤、滋阴壮阳、抗衰老等