
来源 :化学教学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nankaizhizhuan
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创造性思维是在一般思维的基础上发展起来的,它主要靠后天培养和锻炼的结果。所以,在教学过程中,教师在传授知识的同时,要通过适当的,有效的训练培养学生的创造性思维。下面试图探讨在化学教学中怎样培养学生的创造性思维。 一、引导学生广泛涉猎化学知识 a.除了课堂教学外,注意引导学生运用化学知识来解释生活中的化学现象。如“煤气为什么使人中毒死亡?腐坏的鸡蛋为什么有难闻的臭味?”等。 b.指导学生进行课外阅读。如对学生有启发,引导作用的化学家传略,趣味化学知识,生活中的化学常识等。 Creative thinking is developed on the basis of general thinking. It mainly depends on the results of training and training. Therefore, in the process of teaching, teachers should pass the knowledge while training students’ creative thinking through appropriate and effective training. The following attempts to explore how to cultivate students’ creative thinking in chemistry teaching. First, to guide students in a wide range of chemical knowledge a. In addition to classroom teaching, pay attention to guide students to use chemical knowledge to explain the chemical phenomenon of life. Such as “why does the gas poison cause death? Why does the corrupted egg have an unpleasant odor?” and so on. b. Instruct students to read outside class. Such as inspiration to students, guide the role of chemists, interesting knowledge of chemistry, chemistry knowledge in life and so on.
问题的提出 语文教学的“最终目的为:自能读书,不待老师讲,自能作文,不待老师改。老师之训练必作到此两点,乃为教学之成功”(叶圣陶语)。故历届高考,都把阅读和作文作为语文
慢性前列腺炎常见于青壮年或中年男性 ,病因复杂 ,容易反复发作 ,近年来发病率有逐年上升的趋势。为探求更好的治疗方法 ,我们在 1995年 3月~1998年 10月期间 ,观察了慢性细菌
偶翻贵刊二期有关排序原理的文章,发现一些错误,现指出如下 (一) 1981年第二期《排序原理的推广及其应用》一文将排序原理给予推广,并用排序原理较简单地证明了几个著名不等
作文讲评是作文教学的重要一环,它对提高学生的思想认识和写作能力有着重要作用。下面谈谈我们上作文讲评课的几点体会。 Essay writing is an important part of compositi
输尿管肿瘤临床少见。近年来 ,随着诊断水平的提高和人均寿命的延长 ,其发病率有增高趋势。输尿管肿瘤分为原发性和继发性两类。前者起源于输尿管 ,后者多由身体其它部位肿瘤
ChiaSE ,OngCN ,ChuaLH ,etal.Comparisonofzincconcentrationsinbloodandseminalplasmaandthevariousspermparametersbetweenfertileandinfer ChiaSE, OngCN, ChuaLH, et al.Comparisonofzincconcentrationsinbloodandseminalplasmaandthevariousspermparametersbetweenferti