画家 张文霆

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张文霆,号雪溪,斋名三骏堂,1954年出生,河南开封人,毕业于河南大学。现任中国书画研究院研究员、《中国书画》副主编、中国美术家协会联谊中心理事、洛阳市书画艺术研究院院长。自幼受胞兄熏陶,痴绘画、博画理、爱诗文。师承董寿平、李超仁等,汲文同、徐渭、石涛、吴昌硕、郑板桥之长,熔传统笔墨与现代意识于一炉,自成一格。画作泼墨淡彩,工于造化,注重以形写神,意境诗化,擅山水、花鸟,精墨竹。发表、展出作品数百件。而立之年以后,多创作巨制,曾绘有百米墨竹长卷《四时情结》。《风雨岁月》《黔南风情》等入选由中国美协主办的全国美展、全国性画展数十次并获奖。《中国书画报》、《人民日报》(海外版)、《新民晚报》、香港《大公报》等近百家报刊相继发表其作品,并有多篇专题文章介绍其艺术成就,被誉为“中国第一竹”。多次应邀参加国内外画展、巡展,并先后在日本、韩国、德国等国家和北京、广东、河南等地区举办联展、个展。作品被多家艺术机构及国家领导人、名人、要人收藏。艺术成就被载入数部书画专业辞书。 Zhang Wen Ting, No. Snow Creek, vegetarian Ming Sanjun Church, was born in 1954, Henan Kaifeng, graduated from Henan University. IncumbentChinese Painting and Calligraphy Research Fellow, “Chinese painting and calligraphy” deputy editor, Chinese Artists AssociationFriendly center director, Luoyang City, calligraphy and painting art research institute. Influenced by his brother since childhood, crazy painting, Bo art management, love poetry. Shi Chengping Dong Shouping, Li Chaoren, etc., draw with the same, Xu Wei, Shi Tao, Wu Changshuo, Zheng Banqiao of the long, melting traditional brush ink and modern consciousness in a furnace, a piecemeal. Painting ink pale, work in good fortune, focusing on the description of God, artistic conception, good at landscapes, flowers and birds, fine bamboo. Published, exhibited hundreds of pieces. After the founding of the year, more creation giant system, has painted a hundred meters ink bamboo scroll “four o’clock complex.” “Windy Years” “Qiannan Style” and other selected by the China Artists Association hosted the National Art Exhibition, dozens of national exhibitions and awards. Nearly 100 newspapers and periodicals, including China Calligraphy and Painting, People’s Daily (Overseas Edition), Xinmin Evening News, Hong Kong Ta Kung Pao, published their works in succession and published many feature articles on their artistic achievements. First bamboo. " He has been invited to participate in art exhibitions and tour exhibitions at home and abroad on many occasions, and successively held series exhibitions and solo exhibitions in Japan, South Korea, Germany and other countries and in Beijing, Guangdong and Henan. Works by a number of art agencies and state leaders, celebrities, VIP collection. Artistic achievement was loaded into a number of professional calligraphy and painting dictionary.