谢霆锋 张栢芝破天荒公开全家福

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1.一家五口合照,既温馨又甜蜜。今年8月,栢芝肚中的 BB 出世后,就变成四代同堂了。2.谢贤十分爱惜儿媳妇,特别聘了两个外籍保镖保护她。3.谢贤在候机楼等了两个多小时,终于等到被海关扣查的霆锋及栢芝,立即上前拥抱二人。4.每一年,谢贤都会回加拿大探望母亲,这次就和霆锋、栢芝一起返港。5.挽着老公臂弯的梧芝,小鸟依人,记者每问一个问题,她都用眼神先征询老公的意见。6.谢霆锋说,有一个广告商出价2000万要求他和梧芝拍广告,但他婉担了。非常尊重大男人的谢霆锋。7.霆锋回港后,立即赶去剧组为新戏《男儿本色》做收尾工作。 1. A family of five photos, both warm and sweet. In August this year, Bai Chi belly BB born, it becomes four generations of the same. 2. Xie Xian cares very much daughter-in-law, specially hired two foreign bodyguards to protect her. 3. Xie Xian waiting for more than two hours in the terminal, and finally until the customs buckle Nicholas and Bai Zhi, immediately approached the embrace of the two. 4. Each year, Xie Xian will return to Canada to visit her mother, this time with Nicholas, Cecilia Cheung back to Hong Kong. 5. Arm holding her husband’s arm, bird according to the person, the reporter asked a question, she used her eyes to consult her husband’s advice. 6. Nicholas Tse said there was an advertiser bidding $ 20 million for him and Wu to take commercials, but he did. Nicholas Tse, who respects the big man very much. 7. Nicholas back to Hong Kong, immediately rushed to the crew for the new play, “Men’s qualities” to do the finishing touches.
演完一个排球女将,我真的能站在她们的立场上思考,我知道那块铜牌背后,女排姑娘们要付出多少。 As a volleyball girl, I can really stand on their position thinking, I