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有消息说Cisco和McAfee将在下个月发布其防火墙产品,这无疑给那些只依靠防火墙产品的厂商以巨大的压力。有关分析家认为防火墙厂商的联合将最终导致防火墙厂商的消亡,这些厂商会成为更广泛的网络安全供应商。分析家认为:“很快就会出现一些联合,当Cisco购买了Global Internet Com的Centri防火墙产品时,就可以看到此类迹象。”Cisco宣布在9月1日发布Centri的新版本,而且是以Cisco的品牌发布,面向的是一些小型企业用户。去年Cisco进入了防火墙市场,重点在于推广其品牌的力度和扩大市场份额,迅速以PIX占领了市场份额的第二名。业内人士认为Cisco从防火墙市场外围进入,并且在防火墙市场上搅起了轩然大波。Cisco以其路由器和网络软件而闻名,而在反病毒软件方面处于领先地位的McAfee现在也进入了防火墙市场,它依靠的是在安全方面的相关技术。McAfee进入防火墙市场是一件非常自然的事,安全性产品是其防毒产品和管理软件的自然延伸。对于McAfee来说,重要的是顺畅的销售渠道和强有力的销售体系,对其 It is reported that Cisco and McAfee will release their firewall products next month, which undoubtedly puts tremendous pressure on those who rely solely on firewall products. Analysts believe that the combination of firewall vendors will eventually lead to the demise of firewall vendors, which will become a broader network security provider. Analysts believe: “Some alliances will soon appear. When Cisco purchases Global Internet Com’s Centri Firewall products, they can see such signs.” Cisco announced the release of a new version of Centri on September 1, and it is Released under the Cisco brand, it is targeted at small business users. Cisco entered the firewall market last year, focusing on promoting its brand and expanding its market share, quickly occupying second place in market share with the PIX. Industry insiders believe that Cisco entered the firewall market and stirred up an uproar in the firewall market. Cisco is known for its routers and networking software, and McAfee, a leader in anti-virus software, is now entering the firewall market, relying on security-related technologies. It is natural for McAfee to enter the firewall market. Security products are a natural extension of its antivirus products and management software. For McAfee, it is important to have a smooth sales channel and a strong sales system.
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