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中南区省级图书馆业务研究讨论会成立已经八年了,它的活动已经载入中南地区图书馆事业发展的史册。 1980年1月,时值中南五省公共图书馆在广州召开《中图法》座谈会,当时广西自治区馆的梁凯同志,湖南省图书馆的向德育同志,以及其它馆的一些同志提议,希望广东中山图书馆牵头,促成中南五省区各兄弟馆之间的业务联系组织。经与广东馆的领导汇报研究,认为此建议很好,说出了大家的共同愿望。于是便于1980年1月21日由《中图法》座谈会的全体代表,共同起草了一份《关于成立中南五省区业务研究会(议)机构的倡议书》,分发至五省六 Zhongnan District Provincial Library Business Research Seminar has been established for eight years, and its activities have been included in the annals of the development of the Central South Library industry. In January 1980, the Central and Southern Five Provinces Public Libraries held a symposium of “Chinese Library Classification Law” in Guangzhou. At that time, Comrade Liang Kai of the Guangxi Autonomous Region Hall, Hunan Provincial Library, and some comrades in other museums proposed, We hope Guangdong Zhongshan Library will take the lead in contributing to the business contacts among the various brother pavilions in the five central and southern provinces and autonomous regions. Reported by the leadership of the Guangdong Museum and research, that this proposal is very good, to say that everyone’s common desire. Therefore, on January 21, 1980, all the representatives of the symposium on “China Library Law” jointly drafted a “Proposal of Establishing a Research Organization for Five Central Provinces and Five Provinces Business” and distributed them to five provinces and six provinces
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6月6日《司马光砸缸》 司马光(1019—1086)北宋大臣、史学家。陕州夏县(山西夏县,044400)人。他出生时,父亲司马池任光州光山(河南光山,465450)县令,故取名“光”。曾任翰林
当年,张云逸同志领导的红七军,在侗家人民的支援下,曾在这里大败国民党军队,夺路北上……头上千峰隐隐,彩霞向侗家飞来;脚下万丈深谷,林海木楼丹洲塞。 At that time, the
Beijing M-useum of Traditional Operas is located at Wenchang Pavilion inside the Huguang Guild Hall at Hufangqiao Road,Xuanwu District.The museum, shouldering