
来源 :Women of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sailer
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Beijing M-useum of Traditional Operas is located at Wenchang Pavilion inside the Huguang Guild Hall at Hufangqiao Road,Xuanwu District.The museum, shouldering the task of popularizing knowledge of traditional operas, and displaying highlights of the genre, houses an exhibition of the history and development of the Beijing traditional operas, especially Beijing Opera, through texts, photos, precious materials and objects. Beijing M-useum of Traditional Operas is located at Wenchang Pavilion inside the Huguang Guild Hall at Hufangqiao Road, Xuanwu District.The museum, shouldering the task of popularizing knowledge of traditional operas, and displaying highlights of the genre, houses an exhibition of the history and development of the Beijing traditional operas, especially Beijing Opera, through texts, photos, precious materials and objects.
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6月6日《司马光砸缸》 司马光(1019—1086)北宋大臣、史学家。陕州夏县(山西夏县,044400)人。他出生时,父亲司马池任光州光山(河南光山,465450)县令,故取名“光”。曾任翰林
当年,张云逸同志领导的红七军,在侗家人民的支援下,曾在这里大败国民党军队,夺路北上……头上千峰隐隐,彩霞向侗家飞来;脚下万丈深谷,林海木楼丹洲塞。 At that time, the