天国的学术 应当/实际上

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当今的时代是科学的时代,科学是社会的主流话语。对于缺少科学和科学精神的中国而言,科学在无形中更被抬高和膜拜,而不是以其本来面目被看待和传播。人们习惯上把科学当真理看(科学哲学的研究早已否定这一点),科学就等于正确,不正确的东西必须从科学中剔出,并且必须剔干净。从这种眼光看,历史上的燃素说、热质说、托勒密天文学等都是伪科学,甚至牛顿力学也应当算伪科学,因为从现在的眼光看它不是绝对真的。在反思科学、探讨科技的伦理问题过程中,有观点认为,科学是价值中立的,科学本身永远没问题,最多问题出在外部,即科学的社会运用上,而这与科学家无关,恰好属于人文、社会科学工作者的职责范围。本刊陆续选登几篇“戏说”短文,以寓言的方式批评了这种观点。也许以这种方式表述问题,更容易为普通读者所理解。 Today’s era is a scientific era, and science is the mainstream discourse of society. For China, which lacks scientific and scientific spirits, science is even more elevated and worshiped virtually, rather than viewed and disseminated in its true colors. People used to think of science as truth. (The study of philosophy of science has long denied this.) Science equals correctness. Things that are incorrect must be excluded from science and must be cleansed. From this point of view, the history of the phlogiston said that thermal mass theory, Ptolemaic astronomy are pseudo-science, and even Newtonian mechanics should be considered pseudo-science, because from the present point of view it is not absolutely true. In the process of rethinking science and exploring ethical issues in science and technology, there is a view that science is value-neutral and that science itself is no problem at all. The most problems come from the outside, that is, the application of science in society, which is not related to scientists but happens to belong to humanities , Social science workers responsibility. Selected articles published in succession “drama ” essay, in an allegorical way to criticize this view. It may be easier for ordinary readers to interpret the problem in this way.
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一九九二年春天,我率领两个中国技术专家组一行十六人远离广州,来到厄瓜多尔共和国第三大城市昆卡执行经济援助任务。我们在这异国他乡生活了两年,留下了难忘的印象。 In th