
来源 :理化检验.化学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zouwen111
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利用砷、锑、铋、锡、硒、铅可以生成氢化物的特性,用原子吸收光谱法测定这些元素,已得到广泛应用。但同时测定两种元素较困难,至于氢化物发生-吸光光度法测定锑、铋则未见报道。本文在柠檬酸铵缓冲溶液中,用硼氢化钾片使Sb(Ⅲ)、Bi(Ⅲ)转变成SbH_3、BiH_3后,导入两支串联的吸收管中,一支盛有有机胺溶液,另一支盛有Fe(Ⅲ)·Phen(1,10-二氮杂菲)溶液。有机胺溶液可将BiH_3全部吸收,SbH_3不被吸收而导入Fe(Ⅲ)-Phen溶液中直接显色,达到了分离锑、铋的目的。吸收BiH_3后的有机胺溶液,解脱后在Fe(Ⅲ)-Phen溶液中显色。从而建立了一个以氢化物发生、有机胺分离、Fe(Ⅲ)-Phen显色连续测定锑、铋的新方法。本法灵敏度较高, The use of arsenic, antimony, bismuth, tin, selenium, lead can generate hydride properties, atomic absorption spectrometry determination of these elements has been widely used. However, simultaneous determination of the two elements is more difficult, as for the hydride generation - spectrophotometric determination of antimony and bismuth has not been reported. In this paper, ammonium citrate buffer solution, the use of potassium borohydride tablets make Sb (Ⅲ), Bi (Ⅲ) into SbH_3, BiH_3, into two absorption tubes in series, one containing organic amine solution, the other Branch has Fe (Ⅲ) · Phen (1,10-phenanthroline) solution. Organic amine solution can be all absorbed BiH_3, SbH_3 is not absorbed into the Fe (Ⅲ) -Phen solution direct color, to achieve the purpose of separation of antimony, bismuth. After absorbing BiH_3 organic amine solution, after liberation in Fe (Ⅲ) -Phen solution color. Thus a new method for the continuous determination of antimony and bismuth with hydride generation, organic amine separation and Fe (Ⅲ) -Phen chromogenic assay was established. This law is more sensitive,
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