
来源 :中国初级卫生保健 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangshuxi
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“预防为主”一直是我国卫生工作方针的重要内容,历来受到党和国家的高度重视。然而我们在对焦作市农村卫生工作调查中发现,多数县(市)、区财政在对卫生防疫站经费供给严重不足的情况下,又反过来调控卫生防疫站有偿服务收入上缴财政,影响了卫生 “Prevention as the main principle” has always been an important part of our country’s health work guidelines and has always been highly valued by the party and the country. However, in the investigation of rural health work in Jiaozuo City, we found that most counties (cities) and district finances have severely failed to provide funding for health and epidemic prevention stations. In turn, they have in turn regulated the paid service income of health and epidemic prevention stations and turned over to finance, affecting health.
一、党和国家领导人对卫生工作的重要指示 6月14日,第37届南丁格尔奖章颁奖大会在人民大会堂召开。中共中央总书记、国家主席、中国红十字会名誉会长江泽民为本届奖章的中国
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