Describing School Life and School Activities

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  一、 会话实例
  Dialogue A
  A: Can you tell me something about your school?
  B: Sure. I’m studying at No. 3 Middle School. It has a history of over 100 years. The teachers are very kind. They always encourage us to try out new ideas and ask questions.
  A: How many students are there in your school?
  B: There are 50 classes with about 2,400 students.
  A: What subjects do you like best?
  B: I like science, especially physics. I find it quite challenging.
  A: My favourite subject is history, but I’m not good at computer science.
  B: That’s where I can help you. I have developed an interest in computer. I like surfing the Internet at weekends.
  A: That’s very kind of you. By the way, do you often eat out?
  B: Seldom. Our school canteen serves three meals a day. The dishes look inviting and taste delicious.
  A: What about after-school activities?
  B: Well, I can choose to join any clubs I am interested in. I joined a sports club which provides plenty of activities, such as table tennis, swimming and ball games. See, I am always full of energy.
  Dialogue B
  Wang Lei: Mr. Smith, do you enjoy your life here?
  Smith: Yes. Teaching English in a Chinese high school is a very enjoyable and exciting experience for me.
  Wang Lei: Are there any differences between Chinese and British schools?
  Smith: Yes, a lot. For example, in England we have fewer students in each class, the average is 30, but here, you have 40 or 50. We have fewer exams as well.
  Wang Lei: Do students in Britain work very hard, too?
  Smith: Yes, but their homework is not as heavy as you get here. I think Chinese students should have more free time to develop their abilities and prepare themselves well for the future.
  Wang Lei: I agree.
  二、 上面兩则对话中包括很多谈论学校生活及活动的常用句型。我们帮你总结归纳如下:
  I. 谈论学校的历史、规模等
  ① Our school is quite famous for...   It was founded in...
  ② It covers an area of... square metres (占地……平方米). There are...classrooms for different lessons, and a library with... books. A modern science lab has been built where we can... and...
  II. 如何描写老师
  We have many wonderful teachers who... They always encourage us to... With their help we have developed all kinds of interests in...
  III. 如何谈论课程设置及喜爱的科目
  ① Students have to study..., but can drop..., for example, ...
  ② What subjects do you like best and least? / My favourite subjects are... I am really interested in..., but I’m not good at...   IV. 有关课外活动的常用语句
  ① What kind of school activities do you enjoy? / I like...
  ② What is the subject of the talk? Who is giving the talk? And when will it be held? It’s about... by a... / It will be given on 13th of next month. The time is 3 p.m.
  ③ Where is the talk to be held? / In Room..., Building...
  V. 谈论学校食堂
  ① The school canteen serves delicious meals and the workers there treat us as their friends.
  ② But I’m not happy with our school dining hall. It’s small and crowded. What’s worse, the price is a little high.
  三、 巩固提高
  I. 对话填空。阅读下面对话,掌握其大意,并根据所给首字母的提示,在标有题号的右边横线上写出所缺单词的正确形式,使对话通顺。
  A: Hi, Monitor. Can you tell me something
   about our after-school (1) a_______ next
   week?     1. _______
  B: I’m glad to (2) i_______ you that we can
   attend as many as three talks.
  2. _______
  A: Great! When is the first talk?
  B: The first one will be at 2:50 p.m., 11th
   Sep. It’s Tuesday.
  A: What is the (3) s_______ of the talk?
  3. _______
   And who is (4) g_______ the talk?
  4. _______
  B: American (5) l_______ by a professor
   from the USA.          5. _______
  A: Where is the talk to be (6) h_______?
  6. _______
  B: In Room 406, Building 3.
  A: I’m happy to (7) h_______ this.
  7. _______
   I love reading stories (8) w_______ are
   written by American writers. What about
   the second one? 8. _______
  B: At 8:00 a.m. Thursday, a lecture about
   Sino-America relations will be given
   by Mr. Zhang Li from the People’s Daily
   in the school auditorium. Everyone is
   (9) r_______ to attend.           9. _______
  A: It must be very popular. We are all
   (10) e_______ to know more about it.
   And the third one? 10. _______
  B: Er, ...
  II. 漢译英。
  1. ——你最喜爱哪一门课?
  2. 我们李老师总是想方设法使他的课更加有趣。
  3. 学校的电子阅览室 (Electronic Reading Room) 向全校师生开放。在那里我们可以从互联网上得到所需的信息。
  4. ——劳驾,请问去游泳池怎么走?
全国中学生英语能力测评(National English Proficiency Test For Secondary School Students,简称NEPTS)是目前我国唯一的全国中学英语学科测评,是全国性的中学英语教学重要评价手段和激励机制。近年来,随着高校自主招生政策的推行,越来越多的高校把全国中学生英语能力测评参赛学生获奖纳入其自主招生条件。在全国中学生英语能力测评中所取得的优异成绩
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