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主题:数字化的图书馆Cat98 1998年8月10日16:15:34 PM将图书进行数字化和网络传输.是图书馆界的一种理想和紧迫任务.但随着工作的深入进行.人们已经逐渐认识到这是一件费用极高并且浩瀚渺茫的工作,虽然有不少努力,但还没有十分成功的例子。在北京图书馆、瑞德集团和北京电报局的大力支持下,在Internet上开通了一个在线图书馆.免费向公众开放网址:http //www.readchina.com/library.半年内将会有15000本图书可供使用。这个图书馆的一个鲜明特点是它采用了Html语言和扫描方式相结合的方法,可以以较少的投入建立大规模的电子图书馆。图书馆数字化可以有两个含义,一种含义是将原有的图书资料转为数字化存储,另一种含义是依靠多媒体手段对某个学科或专题知识进行综合和提高。目前第二种方式从文献资料角度上难以替代图书馆的主要功能.多用于欣赏、教学和娱乐等领域。这里所谈的图书馆数字化是指前者。 Subject: Digital Library Cat98 10 August 1998 16:15:34 PM It is an ideal and urgent task for the library community to digitize and network books, but as the work progresses, people have gradually taken shape Recognizing that this is an extremely costly and vast undertaking, there has not been a very successful example of this, despite many efforts. With the strong support of Beijing Library, Reid Group and Beijing Telegraph Bureau, an online library has been opened on the Internet. The internet is free to the public at http://www.readchina.com/library. Within 15 months there will be 15,000 This book is available. A distinctive feature of this library is that it uses a combination of Html language and scanning methods to create large-scale electronic libraries with less investment. Digital library can have two meanings, one is the meaning of the original book data into digital storage, the other meaning is to rely on multimedia tools for a subject or thematic knowledge synthesis and improvement. At present, the second method is difficult to replace the main functions of the library from the perspective of literature and information, and is widely used in the fields of appreciation, teaching and entertainment. Digitization of the library here refers to the former.
图书馆人可以利用自身的优势,从思想认识、专业基础、业务技能、个人修养等六个方面提高自身素质,为社会主义精神文明建设作出应有的贡献 Librarians can make use of their o
一、据中南财经大学图书馆期刊信息服务部统计,《文摘》杂志1998年被转载文章47篇。 二、排序: 1.人大复印报刊资料107个社科经济类专题1998年共从1702种期刊上转载文章2203