
来源 :临床外科杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:keithforever
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大肠癌是常见的恶性肿瘤 ,由于大肠癌的发病原因可能和高脂肪、低纤维素饮食有关 ,所以发达国家的发病率高 ,我国的发病率近年来也有所上升。和任何恶性肿瘤一样 ,早期发现 ,早期治疗是提高大肠癌远期生存率的唯一途径 ,如按Dukes分期 ,5年生存率 ,A期为 90 % ,B期为 75 Colorectal cancer is a common malignant tumor. Since the cause of colorectal cancer may be related to a high-fat, low-fiber diet, the incidence in developed countries is high, and the incidence in China has also increased in recent years. Like any malignancy, early detection and early treatment are the only ways to improve the long-term survival rate of colorectal cancer. For example, according to Dukes’ staging, the 5-year survival rate is 90% for A-phase and 75 for B-phase.
This essay argues that poetic language offers the possibility of meaning and value,and simultaneously points beyond itself,to the limits of language,to a space
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据上海宝钢集团的最新消息,宝钢集团的“海外人才狩猎”活动初战告捷,目前已从430名应聘的海外人才中遴选了52名登记在册,双方签定了初步意向 According to the latest new
通过基因工程合成重症肌无力胸腺瘤特异性 3 0kD抗原 (MGT 3 0 ) ,并研究MGT 3 0在诊断胸腺瘤重症肌无力 (MGT )中的意义。应用逆转录 聚合酶链反应 (RT PCR )技术 ,以MGT患
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The State Nonferrous Metals Industry Admin-istration has set the 2001 target for China’snonferrous metals industry.According to thetarget,production of the 10
日前,辽宁省副省长刘克田、葫芦岛市市委副书记刘知良、副市长毕玉坤和中国有色金属工业沈阳公司副经理马浩春等,视察了葫芦岛锌厂。 刘克田一行在葫芦岛锌厂 Recently, Li