Electrocatalytic dechlorination of 2,4,5-trichlorobiphenyl using an aligned carbon nanotubes electro

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yifanvip
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Palladium loaded carbon nanotubes cathode with well-aligned nanotubes array was successfully fabricated on a titanium foil (Pd/CNTs/Ti) using a chemical vapor deposition technique and subsequent electrochemical deposition method. Pd particles were well dispersed on CNTs wall surfaces with average sizes no more than 20 nm, in most cases around 10 nm. Experiments for dechlorination of 2,4,5-trichlorobiphenyl (PCB 29) in methanol/water solution were carried out for the first time using Pd/CNTs/Ti cathode for investigation of its performance in electrocatalytic dechlorination of PCBs. Results show that Pd/CNTs/Ti presented better dechlorination efficiency (up to 90% in 6 h) than Pd/Ti and Pd/graphite cathodes owing to unique properties owned by CNTs, which benefited enhanced dechlorination of PCB 29. Complete dechlorination for PCB 29 was observed and biphenyl was identified to be final dechlorination product. The amount of Pd loading, cathode potential, and electrolytes were found to be key factors influencing dechlorination performance. Palladium loaded carbon nanotubes cathode with well-aligned nanotubes array was successfully fabricated on a titanium foil (Pd / CNTs / Ti) using a chemical vapor deposition technique and subsequent electrochemical deposition method. Pd particles were well dispersed on CNTs wall surfaces with average sizes no more than 20 nm, in most cases around 10 nm. Experiments for dechlorination of 2,4,5-trichlorobiphenyl (PCB 29) in methanol / water solution were carried out for the first time using Pd / CNTs / Ti cathode for investigation of its performance in electrocatalytic dechlorination of PCBs. Results show that Pd / CNTs / Ti provides better dechlorination efficiency (up to 90% in 6 h) than Pd / Ti and Pd / graphite cathodes due to unique properties owned by CNTs, which benefited enhanced dechlorination of PCB 29. Complete dechlorination for PCB 29 was observed and biphenyl was identified to be final dechlorination product. The amount of Pd loading, cathode potential, and electrolytes were found to be k ey factors influencing dechlorination performance.
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