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盐酸二甲双胍膜衣片(北京天安制药厂出品)降血糖疗效确切,安全性高。是一种安全有效的双胍类降血糖的药品,现已广泛应用于治疗糖尿病。其价格明显低于进口的同类药品,使广大的糖尿病人能够承受。一、对二甲双胍的疗效评估(一)降糖作用其降糖机制(1)增加胰外组织包括脑、血细胞、肠道等组织的无氧酵解作用,使血中葡萄糖的利用增多而降血糖;(2)增加多种细胞胰岛素受体的数量,提高胰岛素的敏感性,并作用于受体后,从而增加糖的有氧代谢作用,使血糖下降;(3)减少肝糖元异生;(4)降低和延缓肠壁对葡萄糖的吸收,这对降低餐后高血糖,具独特的效果。本品对胰岛 B 细胞有保护作用,不刺激胰岛素的分泌,且增加受体对胰岛素的敏感性,使受损的β细胞功能得 Metformin hydrochloride film-coated tablets (Beijing Tian Pharmaceutical Factory produced) blood glucose exact effect, high safety. Is a safe and effective biguanide hypoglycemic drugs, is now widely used in the treatment of diabetes. The price is significantly lower than the imported similar drugs, so that the majority of people with diabetes can afford. First, the evaluation of the efficacy of metformin (A) hypoglycemic mechanism of its hypoglycemic (1) increased pancreatic tissue, including brain, blood cells, intestinal and other organizations anaerobic glycolysis, blood glucose utilization increased hypoglycemic ; (2) increase the number of a variety of cellular insulin receptors, increase insulin sensitivity and acting on the receptor, thereby increasing the aerobic metabolism of glucose, so that blood glucose decreased; (3) to reduce hepatic glycogenosis; (4) reduce and delay the intestinal wall of glucose absorption, which reduces postprandial hyperglycemia, with a unique effect. This product is has a protective effect on islet B cells, does not stimulate the secretion of insulin, and increase the receptor’s sensitivity to insulin, so that damaged β-cell function
In this report,zinc acrylate copolymers were synthesized by used different organic acid as the side chain structure.These copolymers were further characterized by GPC,DSC and Water absorption analysis
蝮蛇抗栓酶治疗系统性红斑狼疮许国珍,邹仁恕,章晓敏.中华内科杂志,1994,33(6):387活动期系统性红斑狼疮20例,均为女性。静滴蝮蛇抗栓酶0.50~0.75U,每日1次,15天为1疗程,同时口服泼尼松1mg/(kg·d),有6例病情较重者加用... Vip
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