水稻纹枯病(Pellicularia sasakii)防治指标的研究初报

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在早、晚稻本田的自然发病条件下应用井岗霉素(50PPm)进行不同生育期的不同发病基数,施药次数的研究以探讨经济有效的防治指标。结果初步表明在肥力中上水平的稻田中,早稻湘矮早7号于分蘖末期病蔸率达20%或孕穗期病蔸率达30%时开始,共施药二次(每次间隔14天)可达增产防病的效果。晚稻余赤231—8则以分荣末期病蔸率达20%或孕穗期病蔸率达30%时施药一次为宜。测定了供试早稻、晚稻纹枯病的不同发病程度对产量的影响。病级越高,减产越大。一般在3—4级以上的病株引起减产严重,进一步证明适期施用井岗霉素控制此病垂直扩展的重要作用。 In the early and late rice Honda under the conditions of the natural application of Jinggangmycin (50PPm) at different growth stages of different incidence of base, the number of applications to study the economic and effective control indicators. The results showed that in paddy fields with high fertility, the early rice Xiangcai 7 was started at the late tillering stage with the disease rate of 20% or the disease rate at the booting stage reached 30% ) Up to increase the effect of disease prevention. Late Rice Yu Chi 231-8 Zeyi end of the disease rate of up to 20% disease rate or booting disease rate of 30% when administered once is appropriate. The effects of different incidences of early rice and late rice sheath blight on yield were tested. The higher the disease level, the greater the reduction. Generally in 3-4 grade above the diseased strains caused serious decline in production, to further prove that the appropriate application of Jinggangmycin to control the vertical expansion of the important role of the disease.