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本刊讯 国务院经贸委不久前发出了《关于工业企业兴办第三产业若干问题的意见》的文件。文件指出,改革开放以来,工业企业在一业为主、多种经营方针的指引下,在发展第三产业方面取得了一定的成绩。但工业企业中,“大而全、小而全”的企业组织结构还没有根本改变,企业办社会、机构臃肿、人浮于事、效率和效益不高的现象十分普遍,相当多的企业,冗员众多,包袱沉重。一些工业企业分离、发展一批第三产业企业,是转换机制,调整结构的一条重要途径。 文件指出:工业企业发展第三产业应坚持以下原则: 1.工业企业兴办第三产业的主要目的是为了调整企业结构,将部分承担社会职能的辅助部门划分出去,面向社会,独立经营,减轻企业过重的社会负担,提高企业经济效益,使工业企业的富余职工以及闲置设备、厂房、场地等向第三产业转 This issue of the State Council Economic and Trade Commission recently issued a document entitled “Opinions on Certain Issues Concerning the Establishment of the Third Industry by Industrial Enterprises.” The document points out that since the reform and opening up, industrial enterprises have achieved certain achievements in the development of the tertiary industry under the guidance of the principle of diversified management in the first industry. However, in industrial enterprises, the organizational structure of “large and complete, small and complete” has not fundamentally changed, and the phenomenon that enterprises are overstaffed, organizations are overstaffed, people are overstaffed, and efficiency and efficiency are not high are common. A considerable number of enterprises have many redundant employees. Heavy burden. The separation and development of a number of tertiary industry enterprises by some industrial enterprises is an important way to change the mechanism and adjust the structure. The paper points out that industrial enterprises should adhere to the following principles for the development of the tertiary industry: 1. The main purpose of industrial enterprises in setting up the tertiary industry is to adjust the structure of the enterprise, and to separate out some of the auxiliary departments that undertake social functions, face the society, operate independently, and reduce enterprises. Excessive social burdens, improve the economic efficiency of enterprises, and transfer redundant employees, idle equipment, workshops, and venues of industrial enterprises to the tertiary industry
集安高句丽碑是继好太王碑发现135年后集安出土的又一通高句丽文字碑,学者们认为这是近百年来集安高句丽考古的重大发现,其历史价值和学术价值不可估量。 Ji’an Goguryeo M
形式独立,设置灵活;组合系统,装饰多样;此乃屏障与隔断的共同征。 Form independence, flexible setting; complex system, various decorations; this is a common sign of bar
《经济管理》 1992年第 9期一篇署名文章认为,随着市场经济的发展,企业内部一、二、三线的划分已经不适应当前的形势了。文章认为,企业要在市场上立于不败之地,必须强化市场