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[目的]为了解柳州自备井水卫生现状,加强农村自备水井的卫生监督管理。[方法]对柳州市2008~2010年310份自备井水检测结果进行分析。[结果]2008~2010年共检测310份自备井水,各项指标均合格的107份,合格率为34.52%。不同年份合格率的差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);不同年份理化指标合格率的差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);微生物指标合格率差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);理化指标合格率(68.38%)高于微生物指标(48.39%)(P>0.05)。[结论]柳州市自备井水水质合格率偏低,特别是微生物指标;村居自备井井水存在不同程度的污染。 [Objective] To understand the status quo of self-prepared well water in Liuzhou and to strengthen the hygiene supervision and management of self-provided water wells in rural areas. [Method] The test results of 310 homemade well water in Liuzhou from 2008 to 2010 were analyzed. [Result] A total of 310 homemade wells were detected from 2008 to 2010, with 107 indicators all qualified, with a pass rate of 34.52%. There was no significant difference in passing rate among different years (P> 0.05). There was significant difference in passing rate of physical and chemical indexes in different years (P <0.05). There was no significant difference in passing rate of microbial indicators (P> 0.05) The passing rate of indicators (68.38%) was higher than that of microorganisms (48.39%) (P> 0.05). [Conclusion] The passing rate of self-provided well water in Liuzhou City was low, especially the micro-organism index. There were different degrees of pollution in well-well of self-owned village house.
The nonlinear dynamics of the lateral micro-resonator including the air damping effect is researched. The air damping force is varied periodically during the re
In order to avoid the accuracy deterioration or tool damage caused by milling chatter, it is necessary to have an efficient and reliable diagnosis system that c
通过改变车床Ⅰ轴与分油环之间的密封方式,防止因磨损过度而导致的液压油泄露,保证机床的正常运行。 By changing the seal between the Ⅰ axis of the lathe and the oil
(2008年12月16日——2009年1月15日)    ■2008年12月11—17日,应日本经济产业省邀请,中共中央政策研究室综合研究局局长邱敦红率中直机关青年干部代表团访问了日本。  ■2008年12月11—22日,应中共中央对外联络部邀请,巴西民主工党主席卡洛斯·达库尼亚率该党干部考察团访华。  ■2008年12月12—24日,应朝鲜劳动党中央国际部、韩国外交通商部和日本外务省邀请,中共中
To improve the diagnosis accuracy and self-adaptability of fatigue crack in ulterior place of the supporting shaft, time series and neural network are attempted