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位于古代丝绸之路上的甘肃敦煌莫高窟,是举世闻名的东方艺术宝库。公元1900年6月22日(清光绪二十六年五月二十六日),莫高窟下寺道士王圆箓在雇人清理今编号第16窟甬道积沙时,偶然发现甬道北壁有一小窟,也就是我们今天说的藏有大量写本佛经、佛画、法器及其它宗教、社会文书等文物的藏经洞。这一人类近代史上的重大发现,产生了震惊世界的影响,引起了整个世界学术界的广泛关注,由此,20世纪在国际上形成了一门显学——敦煌学。藏经洞又名鸣沙石室,敦煌石室,现编号第17窟,是在第16窟甬道北壁上开凿出来的。它原是晚唐沙州归义军政权佛教教团的首领都僧统洪(?)的影窟,开凿于唐大中五年至咸通三年(公元851-862年)间。该窟平面近于方形,覆斗形窟顶,从地面至窟顶高3米。北壁贴壁建长方形禅床式低坛,坛上泥塑洪(?)像。北壁画有两株菩提树,枝叶相连,以示洪(?) Located on the ancient Silk Road in Gansu Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes, is the world-renowned treasure trove of oriental art. On June 22, 1900 (Emperor Guangxu, May 26, 2006), Wang Yuanxu, a priest under Mogao Grottoes, was hired to clean up the Jinsha at the 16th Cave of this Code and accidentally discovered the north wall of the corridor There is a small cave, which is the Cangjing Cave where we say today that there are a large number of Buddhist scriptures, Buddhist paintings, artifacts and other religions and social clerics. This great discovery in the modern history of mankind has produced the impact that shocked the world and has aroused widespread concern in academic circles throughout the world. Thus, in the 20th century, a significant study of Dunhuang Studies has been formed in the world. Cangjing Cave, also known as the sandstone chamber, Dunhuang stone chamber, now No. 17 Cave, is in the north wall of the 16th Cave corridor cut out. It was originally the caves of Monkonong (?), The leader of the Buddhism Order of the Gui Yi Jun regime in the late Tang Dynasty. It was cut between five years of the Tang Dynasty and three years of Xiantong (851-862 AD). The cave near the square plane, covered bucket Cave top, from the ground to the cave top 3 meters high. North wall attached to the wall to build a rectangular shaped altar low altar, clay altar flood (?) Like. The northern mural has two Linden trees, branches and leaves connected to show Hong (?)
我们从纽约出发 ,沿高速公路经过费城 ,就到达了华盛顿。华盛顿到处都是迎风飘扬着的星条旗和参天绿木 ,草坪上不时有黑色或棕色的小松鼠在跳跃。波托马克河与阿纳卡斯蒂亚河
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