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1992年1月18日至19日,揭阳召开基层图书馆(室)工作会议。参加会议的有镇级图书馆和部分村级图书室的代表共70多人。汕头文化局、图书馆、县委宣传部的领导出席会议并讲了话。各基层单位在汇报的基础上评选出县委宣传部、榕城镇东山区等15个镇级图书馆和12个村级图书室为先进单位,杨莉莉、罗丽娃等25名个人为先进工作者。揭阳图书馆长林汉城总结了1991年度全县基层图书馆(室)工作的基本成绩和经验。去年,在社会主义教育活动中,各地党政领导更加重视图书馆工作,兴建图书馆(室)成为两个文明建设的一个重要内容,新建了一批起点较高、规模较大的图书馆室。据统计,全县现有镇级图书馆59个,村级图书馆231个,还有5000多个家庭图书角。这些图书馆(室),基础比较巩固,工作比较扎实,基本上做到有专门馆址、专(兼)职管理员、购书经费和业务工作“四落实”。1991年,全县镇级馆共购 From January 18 to January 19, 1992, Jieyang held a grass-roots library (room) working conference. More than 70 representatives of the town library and some village-level libraries participated in the conference. Shantou Cultural Affairs Bureau, library, county Party Committee Propaganda Department attended the meeting and spoke. On the basis of the report, all grassroots units selected 15 towns-level libraries and 12 village-level libraries as the Propaganda Department of Rongxian County and Dongshan District of Rongcheng Town as their advanced units. Twenty-five individuals including Yang Lili and Luo Liwa were advanced workers. Linyang, a lecturer in Jieyang, summed up the basic achievements and experiences in the work of the grassroots library (room) in the county in 1991. Last year, in the socialist educational activities, the party and government leaders in various places paid more attention to library work and built a library (room) as an important part of the two civilizations. A new batch of libraries with a relatively large starting point and a large scale was established . According to statistics, there are 59 county-level libraries, 231 village-level libraries and more than 5,000 family book corners. These libraries (rooms), the foundation is more consolidated, work more solid, basically to have a special site, and (specialist) administrator, purchasing funds and business work “four implementation.” In 1991, the county town hall a total of purchase
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