Selected multiferroic perovskite oxides containing rare earth and transition metal elements

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Multiferroic materials are currently the subject of intensive research worldwide, because of both their fundamental scientific problems and also possible technological applications. Among a number of candidates in the laboratories, compounds consisting of rare earth and transition metal perovskite oxides have very unusual structural and physical properties. In contrast to the so-called type I multiferroics, ferroelectricity may be induced by magnetic ordering or by applying external fields. In this review, the recent progress on the experimental and theoretical studies of some selected type II multiferroics is presented, with a focus on the perovskite oxides containing rare earth and transition metal elements. The rare earth orthoferrite crystals, rare earth titanate strained film, and rare earthbased superlattices are systematically reviewed to provide a broad overview on their promising electric, magnetic, and structural properties. The recent experimental advances in single-crystal growth by optical floating zone method are also presented. First-principles investigations, either supported by experimental results or awaiting for experimental verifications, are shown to offer useful guidance for the future applications of unconventional multiferroics. Among a number of candidates in the laboratories, compounds consisting of rare earth and transition metal perovskite oxides have very unusual structural and physical properties In contrast to the so-called type I multiferroics, ferroelectricity may be induced by magnetic ordering or by applying external fields. In this review, the recent progress on the experimental and theoretical studies of some selected type II multiferroics is presented, with a focus on the perovskite oxides containing rare earth and transition metal elements. The rare earth titanate strained film, and rare earthbased superlattices are systematically reviewed to provide a broad overview on their promising electric, magnetic, and structural properties. advances in single-crystal growth by optical floating zone method are also presented. First-principles investigations, either supported by experimental results or awaiting for experimental verifications, are shown to offer useful guidance for the future applications of unconventional multiferroics.
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