
来源 :赤子(上中旬) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shyan
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民族传统文化是民族内在的灵魂和血脉,是民族凝聚力和创造力的重要源泉,也是民族生生不息的不竭动力。近年来,国家努力开发和发掘传统文化,力图使传统文化得到更好的传承和发展。“敬佬爷”仪式文化是贵州省清水江下游地区的群众成功传承的一种文化。本文把“敬佬爷”仪式的主要文化要素和外部环境作为主要研究对象,重点分析了“敬佬爷”的起源、“敬佬爷”仪式、洪坛歌、传承主体、生活禁忌对该文化的传承所起到的作用,力图发觉民间文化的传承规律,更好地保护和传承传统文化。 National traditional culture is the inner soul and blood of the nation, an important source of national cohesion and creativity, and an inexhaustible motive force for the nation. In recent years, the state has endeavored to develop and exploit the traditional culture and strive to make the traditional culture better inherited and developed. Ceremony Culture is a kind of culture successfully passed down by the masses in the lower reaches of Qingshui River in Guizhou Province. In this paper, the main cultural elements and external environment of the ceremony of “Lord of the Gentlemen” are taken as the main research objects. The author mainly analyzes the origin of “Lord of God ”, "Lord of God , Taboo life on the heritage of the culture played a role, trying to discover the law of inheritance of folk culture, and better protection and heritage of traditional culture.
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The estimation of above-ground biomass(AGB) and carbon storage is very important for arid and semi-arid ecosystems.HJ-1A/B satellite data combined with field me
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