
来源 :中学物理教学参考 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaoyanger88
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一、案例背景基于初中学生的认识特点,初中物理的概念教学应注重学生建构概念的过程。如七年级学生对“比热”概念的建构,是学习的难点。因为,一是“比热”较之前学习的质量、密度等概念,它是学生生活中最陌生的概念;二是“比热”由质量、温度变化和物质种类等多个变量影响,对学生来说是个挑战;三是“比热”表达物质特性很隐蔽,学生难以从文字上去理解名词的意思。因此,要让学生建构比热概念,感悟其中隐含着的物质特性,要从学生相对比较熟悉的问题入手,要有直观的实 First, the case background Based on the cognitive characteristics of junior high school students, the concept of junior high school physics teaching should focus on the concept of student construction process. Such as the seventh grade students “specific heat ” concept of construction, is the difficulty of learning. Because, first, “specific heat ” compared with the previous study of the concept of quality, density, it is the strangest in the student life concept; the second is “specific heat ” from the quality, temperature and material types and other variables Impact, is a challenge for students; third is “specific heat ” expression of material properties are very hidden, students find it difficult to understand the meaning of nouns from the text. Therefore, to enable students to construct the concept of specific heat, perception of the material characteristics implied in them, starting from the students are relatively familiar with the problem, there must be intuitive
由太原机械学院和国营晋西机器厂共同研究的项目“金属车削加工噪声治理的研究”1988年12月在太原通过技术鉴定。 By the Taiyuan Institute of Mechanical and State-owne
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