The effects of self-value on personality

来源 :中国临床康复 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fgh000000
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Absractive:This article try to illustrate the re lationship of self-value and person ality by paraphrasing these two concepts,and deduce the effects of self-value to personalit y from this.This article also point out the questions how to direct and help university students to set proper s elf-value and then modle healthy personality.It bring forward supposition of the r esolvement of the questions.On the b ase of the demonstrative research we carry out a validative research. Absractive: This article try to illustrate the re lationship of self-value and person ality by paraphrasing these two concepts, and deduce the effects of self-value to personalit y from this.This article also point out the issues how to direct and help university students to set proper s elf-value and then modle healthy personality. It brings forward supposition of the r esolvement of the questions. On the b ase of the demonstrative research we carry out a validative research.
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